Welcome to Honors Geometry Mrs. LeighAnn McGovern 215-944-1153 lmcgovern@crsd.org
About Me! Archbishop Ryan ‘05 DeSales University ‘09 Wilkes University ‘11 Married in 2013 9th Year at CR South Annie and Remy!!
A Little Bit About Honors Geometry For many students, learning Geometry is similar to learning a new language. Proofs are often difficult for students to grasp at the beginning of the course. Generally, marking periods 1 and 2 are more difficult than 3 and 4. Geometry is included on the SAT.
My Teaching Philosophy My ultimate goal is to give your child the self confidence necessary to be successful. I am very enthusiastic about math. It is my sincere hope that some of this enthusiasm will be passed on to your child.
Keys to Success Warm Ups Notes – (I suggest a binder!) Homework Studying Asking for Help – (Clinic room 265)
Grading Midterm/Final 25% Homework 5% Other – (tests/quizzes/Projects)
Return of Assessments Policy All assessments are graded and returned in a timely fashion. I go over the assessments with the class, touching upon common difficulties. Students are then given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the assessment. I collect the tests and keep them until everyone has taken it Assessments can be taken home upon request. District assessments, i.e. midterms and finals, are not returned.
What Comes Next? Honors Analysis Accelerated Analysis AP Statistics For students who were successful in Honors Geometry. Considered a Pre-Calculus course. Accelerated Analysis For students who struggled in Honors Geometry Considered advanced Algebra and Trigonometry. College level Pre-Calculus is still recommended. AP Statistics Optional; in addition to Analysis