Types & Development Earth Science Rocks!
2. Soil Soil is a combination of _____________ and an ______________. a. ________- is decayed plant and animal material found in soil. Soil that contains 20% to 30% humus is considered rich for plant growth. weathered rock organic matrix humus
What is a Soil Profile? A soil profile is a view of a cross section of soil. Depending on a few characteristics like climate, vegetation, location, etc, soils will have varying properties as seen below.
c. The soil Profile- development of the layers Top soil “A horizon” -Top layer of soil rich in humus - most weathered - fine to small particle size HUMUS Sub soil “B horizon” -Consists of clays & dissolved minerals washed down from above; -contains little humus - small to medium particle size C horizon- partly weathered rock - Consists of partly weathered bedrock - has trace amounts of humus Bedrock -layer of solid rock beneath the soil - parent rock of the soil above - no organic material/least weathered
Sample from a Soil Probe
Immature soil Mature soil Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 TIME INCREASES (development takes thousands of years)
Discussion Questions 1. What are the three requirements for soil development? Time Weathering Organic Material 2. Soil characteristics will be influenced by: Parent Rock Climate
Discussion Questions 3. Organic material is located in horizon A. How is organic material transported from horizon A to horizon B? Leaching the process of seeping down 4. State the relationship between time and soil depth. As time increases, soil depth increases as well time depth
Soil Horizons Worksheet (Answers) 3 7,11,13 16,17,18 20 1 9,10 14 19 2 15 6,8 5,12 4
Characteristics of the Soil Horizons 0 Horizon-located on surface, mostly O.M. A Horizon-Called Topsoil, good amounts of O.M. and minerals. B Horizon- Known as Subsoil, Less O.M. C Horizon- Mostly parent material, does little for plant growth.