The Research of a Low-Cost Navigation Unit for Small UAVs With low-cost consumer products, how accurate is the navigation data acquired?
The block diagram of our plan (INS/GPS) Position Velocity Attitude Position Velocity Attitude Acceleration Angular Velocity Integration 図に書いてしめすとこのようになります。 もう一回説明 Position, Velocity etc… GPS 2005/12/2 Suzuki-Tsuchiya Lab.
Tri-Axes Accelerometer A look of the prototype Gyro(Z) Tri-Axes Accelerometer Gyro(X) Gyro(Y) 2005/12/2 Suzuki-Tsuchiya Lab.
The block diagram of the prototype $300 $100 Sensors GPS Accelerometer Gyro Temperature Position(Lat, Long, Alt) Velocity Raw Data(psuedo-rande, carrier-phase, …) 24bit A/D USB PC (for Data Recording and Processing) 2005/12/2 Suzuki-Tsuchiya Lab.
A scene of the real flight experiment (Nov 17, 2005) Crossbow INS/GPS (Reference) At Chofu airport The prototype Now, in course of analyzing data… 2005/12/2 Suzuki-Tsuchiya Lab.