P2, P2/3 & P3 Meet the Teacher Welcome!
Mrs Laura Macgregor Mrs Christine Davies Mr John Deed Mrs Susie Turnbull
Agenda Establishment Phase Class Charter CfE Literacy Numeracy and Maths Health & Well-being IDL LOLs Routines Contacts/Achievements Questions
Curriculum for Excellence This is a simple guide showing how children may move through the levels of CfE. All children progress at their own pace and work is differentiated to support their learning.
Literacy Reading Writing Listening & Talking Novel Study Group Reading Comprehension Strategies Trip to Library Eric Writing Linked to topic where we can A range of genre and styles Listening & Talking Embedded across the curriculum Opportunities to share opinions and ask questions
Numeracy and Maths Whole class teaching and group teaching with differentiated activities and games SEAL – Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning Non-routine questions
Other Maths Activities Mental Maths Interactive problem Solving Maths Homework Education City
Health & Wellbeing Two session of Physical Education a week Cool in school Keeping myself safe Circle time School Values Rights Respecting Schools Healthy Eating/Lifestyles
IDL Tatty Bogle – Harvest Climate Zones Enterprise Topic led but linked to other areas of the curriculum e.g. Literacy or Art
Linking Our Learning (LOL) After a full consultation with pupils, parents and staff, we are ready to trial our new LOL format A LOL will always include differentiated Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing tasks as well as two other topics chosen by the pupils with their class teacher The first LOL will be issued on Tuesday 19th September Pupils have 3 weeks to complete LOLs Pupils will share their LOL with their class and feedback will be recorded on the LOL See examples on desk
Routines PE Kit – change of top and shorts and shoes Book bags Thursday is letter day/email Water Bottles Tuck Painting Shirt
Out of School Achievements Please let us know about these for Twitter and to celebrate at Update Monday
Communication cornbank.mgfl.net @CornbankPS Cornbank.PS@midlothian.gov.uk 0131 271 4575 Chat to us
Remember to sign up for the Shared Start Classroom Tour Remember to sign up for the Shared Start