The Kite Runner Themes
DEFINTION : Being faithful to someone, honouring someone, standing by them through hardships and adversity LOYALTY HASSAN Loyal to Amir and his family. Loyalty stems from his gentle nature and his Hazara, servant status Evidence : “for you a thousand times”/ Kite running/ Pomegranate episode/ not denying watch, never criticising – even at end. AMIR Does not believe he is loyal Guilt about his betrayal His guilt is because of his loyalty Shows his loyalty – rescuing of Sohrab. RAHIM KHAN Loyal to Baba/ to Amir/ to Hassan. Evidence: Baba – does not tell his secret, looks after the house. Amir – understands he is “different” to Baba. Sticks up for him/ the notebook. Hassan – goes and fetches him BABA Although he had an affair with Sanuabar, for which he felt guilt, he shows loyalty to: Amir – protects him his whole life. Hassan – treats him like a son Afghanistan (example – Russian doctor) ALI Loyalty to Baba and his family. “For you a thousand times over”
BETRAYAL AMIR Betrays Hassan’s trust /friendship Ignoring the rape DEFINITION: To be unfaithful, to give over to an enemy BETRAYAL AMIR Betrays Hassan’s trust /friendship Ignoring the rape Planting the watch Why? Jealousy ASSEFF Betrays being a human Abuses power Sexual abuse Bully BABA Betrays Ali – commits adultery with Sanuabar. “There is only one sin, only one and that is theft. Everyo other sin is variation of that.”
DEFINITION: Making right what is wrong, washing away the sin of an action by doing good. REDEMPTION AMIR His guilt: jealousy towards Hassan/ mental conflict Anger at his father Standing by in the rape / inaction Planting the watch. / action Redemption – going back to save Sohrab Does he achieve redemption? Yes BABA Guilt about his adultery Attempts at redemption Charity work Giving Hassan every opportunity he can Does he achieve redemption? This point can be argued - Yes: the good he does - His feelings of remorse SANAUBAR Her promiscuous life Abandoning her son Attempts at redemption: Returns to look after Hassan and be with his family Does she achieve redemption: Looks after Hassan. The family forgives her. RAHIM KAHN Guilt about his inaction – Not telling Amir about his half brother. Takes over Hassan and his family. Calls Amir/ asks for forgiveness “There is a way to be good again”