Pixel DQM Status & Plans R.Casagrande, P.Merkel, J.Zablocki (Purdue University) D.Duggan, D.Hidas, K.Rose (Rutgers University) L.Wehrli (ETH Zuerich) A.York (University of Tennessee) S.Tentindo (Lausanne, PSI) 09/29/09
Changes in online Local Tracker DQM processes running on vmepcs2b18-25 (Pixel and Strips) for: Backup Development Interactive xdaq process / Expert GUI / TrackerMaps Would be good to have a backup VME machine for extended running (4MB RAM) Last week: installed our own storage manager proxy expected no more time-outs of the DQM process; much more autonomy regarding process parameters (e.g. event rate into Pixel DQM) 09-29-09 Pixel DQM
Monitoring during timing scans Danek estimated 25 runs at 10-20 minutes of minimum bias running each Will explore if local Pixel DQM process can be used for high rate monitoring during timing scans for quick online feedback Will run stripped down light version, only looking at digi and cluster occupancy and cluster size, no tracking or error monitoring. Will increase input event rate as much as possible; needs some negotiations with central DQM due to network limitations 09-29-09 Pixel DQM
Other online DQM developments Errors monitored by FED# and channel# now, instead of by module FED TrackerMaps will be implemented soon Static TrackerMaps implemented and displayed in GUI Monitoring of Pixel clusters in the HLT in progress Basic usage of DCS info implemented, now waiting for real values to be available offline; will have to fine tune combination with DAQ and DQM info for good run flags 09-29-09 Pixel DQM
New: static TrackerMaps e.g. digi occupancy 09-29-09 Pixel DQM
Changes in offline Working on making QTest configuration based in DB (currently read from xml files inside the CMSSW release) will provide more flexibility toward changing data or detector conditions; much faster turn around Machinery set up to tune QTest parameters to collision data; need to run it on min bias or RelVal samples to tune the cuts; will take geometry into account to some level (higher occupancy near IP, etc.) Coarse hit efficiency monitoring under development (implementation of a rough version of the existing prompt analysis) 09-29-09 Pixel DQM
Summary Valuable lessons learned from CRAFT09 Code development ongoing; there are still new features to be implemented Trying to be prepared for collisions New experts are being trained for on-call duty 09-29-09 Pixel DQM