Warm-up What does it mean to be free? Is it possible for people to be free when even in their current circumstances they appear to be trapped? How? Explain. What does a life without freedom look like? Explore this question thoroughly. Your response to these questions should be thorough.
Parallel Structure Words, phrases, and clauses should all be the same (parallel) when linked together in a list or connected with coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS). Incorrect: Betty has intelligence, honesty, and she is funny. Correct: Betty has intelligence, honesty, and humor.
Rule 1 Should be used when elements (words/phrases) are joined by coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS): Incorrect: I am allergic to the dog’s hair and how it smells. Correct: I am allergic to the dog’s hair and its smell.
Rule 2 Parallel Structure should be used when writing elements in the form of a list or a series: Incorrect: The class valued respect, honesty, and being on time in a teacher. Correct: The class valued respect, honesty, and promptness in a teacher.
Rule 3 Parallel Structure should be used when comparing or contrasting elements (“A is better than B” OR “X is less than Y”): Incorrect: James enjoys reading more than to write. Correct: James enjoys reading more than writing.
Practice Many gases are invisible, odorless, and they have no taste. Mr. Foster is not only an excellent barber but also sings well. Ellen likes hiking, the rodeo, and to take afternoon naps. My best friend took me dancing and to a show. Global warming affects humans, the environment, and is scary
The contrast between appearance and reality. Irony The contrast between appearance and reality.
Irony Verbal Irony: You say the opposite of what you mean. Ex: You say, “That’s just great” in a disgusted tone. Situational Irony: the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen, happens. Ex: A preacher’s kid getting arrested. Dramatic Irony: occurs when the audience knows something the character does not; helps to create suspense. Ex: The audience knows a character is about to walk into danger, and the character does it anyway.
Annotate Box character names. Note descriptions of setting and character. Circle and interpret what you believe to be significant symbols throughout the story. Stop and summarize in the margins (wherever there is a line drawn on your paper). Write at least two questions. Circle unfamiliar words. Note all references to life/freedom. Note all references to repression (feeling trapped). At the end of the story, write an interpretation of the ending.