Created by Nathan Reddy, High School Junior The Stock Game Created by Nathan Reddy, High School Junior
Opening Argument The stock market is the global exchange of buying and selling stocks. I always wanted to get into the stock market and learn about investing. However, like many students in high school and middle school, there are several factors limiting us. Many of us do not have the money to invest, students such as myself want to learn but do not know how, and those who do want to invest are sometimes fearful of losing their money. All these reasons are what made me develop my product.
My solution to a big problem... I created a website called TheStockGame. It is a nonprofit aimed at helping students learn about the stock market. TheStockGame offers students a place learn for free, in a risk-free, competitive environment. Hopefully, by creating this platform I will help students, and those curious about the stock market build their skills, so later when they start investing for real, will be more successful and less scared about the stock market. Platforms: Website, Mobile App, Desktop Application Demo URL: Shorter link:
A Combination of UI and UX UX – User experience, UI – User interface As the primary developer, I used the UI, and UX to maximize how the user will experience our website. How – Through the use of navigation, color, and social media integration.
Site Functionality A breif description of all the features of the website.
Buy Stocks Search for stock listings, and buy individual stock in specified . Below are examples from the website using the apple stock.
Manage Your Portfolio After buying shares in a company, users can now view them in the portfolio. Here the users get a nice list of the stock they have purchased. This page is being in development, due to the limitation of a free API I use I cannot add more functionality such as automatic stock tracking and stock changes in real time. The limit of the free API's I use is one of the ways I will use the money if I am lucky enough to win.
Example of a Stock Portfolio *This is just a demo, more options will be added to improve user experience.
Real Time User Updates and Tracking Logged in users get real time history and data tracking of their funds and stocks.
Example of a User's Real Time History
Leaderboards View the best ranked users. To be on the leaderboards you need at least 5 shares. Users are ranked based on their money.
This was a Prototype. More Features Planned! We hope to add these features. Some of these features are only not being implemented due to the limitations of the free API I am using. Funding will help make some of these features possible.
Marketing and Rollout To get users into our platforms I have come up with the following solutions. The first method is direct to teachers, in which teachers will stumble across our website and then create a class and enroll their students into the platform. I also plan on indexing the website on google, the android app onto the play store, and the desktop app as a downloadable option on the website. By having multiple platforms we increase user accessibility to the product.
Closing Argument By coding this platform I hope that students and others who want to learn about the stock market will be able to do so. If I am lucky enough to win I could use the money to fund more detailed API's and fund deployment of the website and mobile apps.
Resources Website Link - GitHub – TODO Download our desktop application on our website. Download our android development build on GitHub.