Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CZECH REPUBLIC Project co-funding EUREKA funding is targeted co-financing from governmental budget for international R&D cooperation and it is grant Yearly EUREKA budget: 120.0 Mio CZK (4.5 Mio €) All types of organisations: SMEs, Large companies, Universities and Research institutes (incl. Academy of Sciences) Support covered up to 50 % of relevant budget of involving Czech participant(s) in EUREKA project but Financial limits of support: 80 000 € / 150 000 € (per project / year) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CZECH REPUBLIC EUREKA project statistics Projects with Czech participation (status October 2009) Number of ongoing projects: 84 Total budget: 43,8 M€ Number of CZ organisations: 143 SME: 84, large company: 19 research org. 21, university: 19 Number of finished projects: 182 Total budget: 71,5 M€ Number of CZ organisations: 334 SME: 167, large company: 54 research org. 50, university: 63 Participation in E! Clusters: Medea+, Euripides, ITEA-2 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CZECH REPUBLIC Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CZECH REPUBLIC Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CZECH REPUBLIC Thank you for your attention Josef Martinec National Project Coordinator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports