DESY experiences on education and training of cleanroom team Selection of cleanroom team Experiences with basic training and courses by Consultants DESY training internal and external Conclusion for training application at DESY A.Matheisen DESY TTC Topical Workshop on SRF Cryomodule Clean Room Assembly CEA Saclay, 12th november 2014
During Small “series” (prototyping) DESY experiences on education and training of Cleanroom team Selection of cleanroom team Different skills for different phases of a project were requested During Development of work flow team needs good overview on the whole process understanding of work step and risk for product @ DESY team engaged (!) engineers and technicians During Small “series” (prototyping) General Process steps are understood and need to reproduced and optimized (set up specification) @ DESY for reproduction of assembly steps transfer of know how by engineers and technicians to skilled worker (skills in fine mechanics were very helpful) Serial production Defined work steps adaptation to serial production by industry needed @ DESY transfer of know how and education by engineers and technicians to leading team members and key people in production at Industry (training courses)
DESY experiences on education and training of cleanroom team DESY experiences on education and training of cleanroom team Selection of cleanroom team cont. Experiences at DESY showed that skills is a good base line for manipulations to be done during cavity and sting assembly people understand special condition of cleanroom works well but not every body (independent from skills !) can transfer it to real work. Not every one can keeping the trained work and education level on longer range constant daily work and especially serial production showed “adaptation of work to personality”
DESY experiences on education and training of Cleanroom team Experiences with basic training and Courses by Consultants Consultants and institutes offer training courses for cleanroom Training mostly focused on chip production or pharmaceutical application Pro: Good understanding of cleanroom technique Norms and generals (dress undress movement) Have well prepared courses and hand out material Draw back: stop a soon as soon as cavities came into the game Bolts nuts (M4 to M6), wrenches lifters and lots of movements in ISO 4 (????? ) Investigate on training specialized for Cavity and modules with the dedicated tool Educate supervisors and trainers for Cav and stings assembly yourself for a know how transfer
DESY experiences on education and training of Cleanroom team DESY training internal and external Training @ DESY is done for basic work steps by air particle counters and fog generator (for visualization) Investigation on processes and procedures was done and visualized for training set up of procedures were set up and commented training of teams by talks and on the object training (!) Examples form training courses (Film 1 to 5)
DESY experiences on education and training of Cleanroom team DESY training internal and external cont.: Transfer of know how as done for XFEL production 1: Industry send team members for basic courses (I hope) 2: Talks by DESY experts specialized for cavities and activities in ISO 4 3: Basic training at DESY with mockups on d or visualization (fog generator and particle counter) 4: Training of work steps by experts from DESY experts acts trainee observes experts acts trainee acts experts observes trainee acts experts controls trained work self responsible 5: non regular on side control and retraining during production
DESY experiences on education and training of Cleanroom team Summary Conclusion for DESY: different skills of team members are chosen for different phase of the project. Not every one can work “ISO 4 adequate “ for a longer rage without retraining consultancies transfer a good baseline of know how looked with “fresh” eyes in the processes and give hints for improvement But investigations “on our special product ” have to be done ourselves to adapt and optimize assemblies in ISO 4 Training courses, specialized for Cavity and module activities, are set up DESY experiences showed : that skills is a good base line for manipulations to be done during cavity and sting assembly people understand special condition of cleanroom works well but not every body (independent from skills !) can transfer it to real work. daily work and especially serial production showed “adaptation of work to personality” Selection of teammembers was needed