MESOteam, M. Bougara University, Boumerdès Algeria Istanbul 2-4 October 2013 Performance Analysis and Economic Evaluation of a Solar Power Tower in Algeria Kamal Mohammedi MESOteam, M. Bougara University, Boumerdès Algeria Email:
Outline 1. Introduction 2. CSP technology review 3. SAM Advisor description 4. Central Receiver Thermal Power Plant technical analysis 5. Results and Discussions 6. Conclusion
The MESOteam was involved in FP6 EU projects in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Desalination RESYSproDESAL project: 2004-2007 RESYSproDESAL=Renewable Energy SYStems for DESALination OPEN-GAIN project: 2007-2010 OPEN GAIN
Decision Support System Données du site et de la configuration Sorties Classification croissante Selon un seul critère Cout Net Actuel (NPC) SEH 3( 41%WEC) [PV+E+GD] SEH2 (25% WEC)[PV+E+GD] SEH4 (100%WEC)[ E+GD] SEH1 (0 % WEC) [(PV+GD)] Entrées Caractéristiques des composants, ressources, couts, contraintes … Sortie OPEN GAIN SEH 2( 25%WEC) [PV+E+GD] SEH 3 (41% WEC)[PV+E+GD] SEH4 (100%WEC)[ E+GD] SEH1 (0 % WEC) [(PV+GD)] Entrées Entrées SEH 2( 25%WEC) [PV+E+GD] SEH 3 (41% WEC)[PV+E+GD] SEH4 (100%WEC)[ E+GD] SEH1 (0 % WEC) [(PV+GD)] Sortie Entrées SEH 2( 25%WEC) [PV+E+GD] SEH 3 (41% WEC)[PV+E+GD] SEH4 (100%WEC)[ E+GD] SEH1 (0 % WEC) [(PV+GD)] Sortie Entrées
SPECIMENS Project Sustainability for Profitability and Efficiency Initiative in Cement Industry. Contribution to CO2 emissions reduction. Funded by DGRSDT, Algerian research agency Integration of renewable Energy in Cement Industry Specimens Project
1.6 billion people not connected to National electricity grids, Peak load shaving, CO2 mitigation, overconsumption of electricity in developed countries …….. 1.6 billion people not connected to National electricity grids, most of them living in remote sunny arid areas (Pb of water)in Third World Countries. Algeria: Hybrid Solar/Gas Power plant to foster the position as a main supplier of energy to EU.
Parabolic Trough Collectors Linear Fresnel Central receiver or Solar tower Dish Stirling Circular configuration North side configuration
1880: first known application of a parabolic trough to power a hot air History 1880: first known application of a parabolic trough to power a hot air engine by the Swedish John Ericsson 1907: first patent on parabolic trough technology for steam generation granted to the Germans Meier and Remshardt 1913: water pumping plant in Meadi/Egypt. Parabolic trough collectors generated steam for steam motors. collector length: 62 m engine power: 45 kW aperture width: 4 m pumping capacity: 27000 l/min total aperture area: 1200 m2 8
History 1979: first grid-connected parabolic trough power plant, Coolidge/Arizona, 150kWe 1984 - 1991: construction of the first large (13.8 MW – 80 MW) power plants, California (“Solar Electric Generating Systems” (SEGS), total power: 354 MW) still in operation source: Price et al. 2002 9
2007: start of a large amount of new projects worldwide beginning with Nevada Solar One, Nevada, 64 MW 2008: first commercial power plant of Europe Andasol 1, Granada/Spain, 50MW Andasol 1 and 2 2011: several additional GW are planned or under construction (principally in the Southwest of the USA and in Spain) 10
Solar tower power plant (or called Central Receiver System) 8 Solar Tower Technology Solar tower power plant (or called Central Receiver System) Consists of / characteristics: a heliostat field: large number of sun-tracking mirrors, called heliostats a tower with a receiver at the top solar tower power plants have a Rankine steam cycle for electricity generation very high irradiation concentration on receiver Focusing is “point focus” or “point concentration” Solar Tower Jülich
Project Country Power Output (MWe) Heat Transfer Fluid Operation SSPS Spain 0.5 Liquid Sodium 1981 EURELIOS Italy 1 Steam SUNSHINE Japan Solar One USA 10 1982 CESA-1 1983 MSEE/Cat B Molten Nitrate 1984 THEMIS France 2.5 Hi-Tec Salt SPP-5 Russia 5 1986 TSA Air 1993 Solar Two Molten Nitrate Salt 1996
line concentrating system point concentrating system Technology Concentration Method line concentrating system point concentrating system Technology Parabolic Trough Linear Fresnel Central Receiver Parabolic Dish State of the Art commercial pre-commercial demonstrated and first commercialisation demonstrated Cost of Solar Field (€/m²) 200 – 250 150 – 200 250 – 300 > 350 Typical Unit Size (MW) 5 – 200 1 – 200 10 – 100 0.010 Construction Requirements demanding simple moderate Operating Temperature 390 – 550 270 – 550 550 – 1000 800 – 900 Heat Transfer Fluid synthetic oil, water/steam air, molten salt, water/steam air Thermodynamic Power Cycle Rankine Brayton, Rankine Stirling, Brayton Power Unit steam turbine gas turbine, steam turbine Stirling engine Experience high low Reliability unknown Thermal Storage Media molten salt, concrete, PCM molten salt, ceramics, PCM Combination with Desalination Simple Integration to the Environment difficult Moderate Operation requirements Land Requirement
Capacities and share in the CSP market 15
CSP projects in Algeria + Alsol1: solar tower project with CDER and DLR
Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plants in Algeria Solar Tower vs PTC ?
SAM Advisor Description
3.2 Concentrating Solar Power
PV, Wind,…. systems
Alsol1 Central Receiver Thermal Power Plant prefeasibility study 4.1 DNI evaluation 4.2 Heliostat field configuration 4.3 Cavity receiver geometry design parameters 4.4 Thermal energy storage techniques Algiers 4.5 Heat transfer fluid system (HTF) Bechar 4.6 Simulation Data Tamanrasset
Alsoli1 project: (CDER in cooperation with DLR and JSI) Electricity production: 7.1 MW Heat Storage Capacity: 20 MWh Mirror Surface: 25000 m2 Type : Hybrid solar/Gas Modified Alsoli1 project: Electricity production: 1.5 MW Heat Storage Capacity: 10 MWh Mirror Surface: 18000 m2 Type : Hybrid solar/Gas
DNI Evaluation
Heliostat field configuration The distance between heliostat in radial ΔR and azimuth ΔAZ direction for northern configuration is given :
Heliostat field configuration In our model, we have used SAM Advisor application to tradeoff between cost and optimal layout of the heliostat field by adopting DELSOL .
Cavity receiver geometry
Heat transfer fluid (HTF) Thermal storage system Molten salt storage
input data
SAM Advisor Simulation Results Capacity Factor vs. Solar multiplier for each Thermal Energy Storage value
LEC $/kWhe vs Solar multiplier for each Thermal Energy Storage value
Solar electricity generation kWhe/m² vs Solar electricity generation kWhe/m² vs. Solar multiplier for each Thermal Energy Storage value
LEC and CF vs. thermal Energy Storage (hours) value for optimal value of SM = 1,5.
Solar electricity generation vs Solar electricity generation vs. thermal Energy Storage (hours) value for optimal value of SM = 1,5.
Levelized Cost Of Energy LCOE (c$/kWhe) vs location for optimal values (SM,TES).
Graph 07 : Net Present Value in ($) with respect to location for optimal values (SM,TES).
Capacity Factor in (%) vs location for optimal values (SM,TES).
Conclusion A prefeasibilty study of Alsol project was carried under NREL SAM Advisor …….optimize the Solar Multiple (SM) to get a trade-off between the incremental investment cost related to the heliostat field size and the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) required, yielding a minimum Levelized Electricity Cost (LEC) in $/kWhe and allow higher Capacity Factors (CF) for dispatchability of the generated electricity within critical hours in the day. The optimal configuration: SM = 1.50, TES = 8.00 hours, LEC = 0.65 $/kWhe, SEG = 17.50 kWh/m² and Net cost/capacity = 7900 $. for DNI = 2759.40 kWh/m² which correspond to Tamanrasset site in south Algeria.
Thanks for Attention Kamal Mohammedi, MESOteam Frantz Fanon st. M. Bougara University, Boumerdès 35000 Algeria Tel +213 0 552-236791 Fax +213 0 24816370 Richest 300 Persons on Earth Have More Money Than Poorest 3 Billion