Adjectives Describe Nouns Adjectives answer questions about nouns. Adjectives can tell us: How Many? What Kind? Which One?
Adjectives can tell us how many few fifty One many Some
Adjectives can tell us what kind: For example: What Color? Red Green Blue Yellow Purple Pink
Adjectives can tell us what kind: For example: What Size? Tall tree Short ladder Small apples
More Adjective Examples Birthday cake Fresh fruit Blue van Hard worker Furry cat Bright flame
Can you think of an Adjective to complete each sentence? Remember that Adjectives tell us how many, which one, or what kind.
A ___________turtle walks by the pond.
A ___________mouse quietly walks in the kitchen.
A ___________apple fell from the tree.
A ___________book is in my backpack.
A ___________sun shines on us.
A ___________man.
Using A, An, or The Use A with singular nouns when the next word begins with a consonant. A flower Use An with singular nouns if the next word begins with a vowel. An apple Use the if the noun names a particular person, place, or thing The garden
Using A, An, or The Use the with plural nouns The flowers The babies The horses The dogs The houses The cheerleaders The teachers The schools
Can you decide when to use A, An, or The? Try these examples: One day we took _______________ walk. I ate ________________ apple. We went to talk to ____________ students.
Using Adjectives to compare You can use adjectives to compare two or more things. You usually add –er to an adjective to compare two people, places, or things. Add –est to an adjective to compare three or more things.
Baby bear is smaller than Mama Bear. Mama Bear is taller than Baby Bear. Papa Bear is the tallest of all.
Tom Bob is short. Mark is taller than Bob. Tom is taller than Mark. Bob is shorter than Tom. Tom is the tallest of all. Mark Bob