dr hab. Marek Szczepański MACROECONOMICS dr hab. Marek Szczepański
Plan of the course Introduction - the economic problem Tools of economic analysis, main indicators Demand, supply and the market Output and aggregate demand Unemployment and inflation Factor market and income distribution Long-run economic growth Short-time economic growth Business cycles Stabilization policy (fiscal and monetary policy) Open- economy macroeconomics Money and banking Interantional trade, european integration and globalization The main macroeconomic theories and current discussions
Literature P. Krugman, R. Wells, Macroeconomics, Second Edition, Worth Publishers, New York 2009. D. Begg, S. Fisher, R. Dornbusch, Economics, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, London, New York 2008. http://www.mcgrawhill.co.uk/textbooks/begg E.Skawińska, K.Sobiech, K.Nawrot, Makroekonomia, PWE, Warszawa 2008.