Columbia School District No. 206 All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 Columbia School's Vision The Columbia School District is the heart and soul of a community united to provide the greatest possible educational foundation to each and every student in the district. The results are responsible citizens, who are confident in their ability to learn, with every opportunity for post-secondary success. All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 Columbia School's Mission Educate and prepare all students for lifelong success. All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 The Columbia School Board of Directors believes that the five most important goals are: Goal 1 – Increase the academic achievement of each and every student. Goal 2 – Attract and retain highly qualified staff that is committed to professional improvement to best meet the needs of each and every student. Goal 3 – Ensure all available financial resources are best spent on efforts and initiatives to improve the learning of each and every student. Goal 4 – Ensure school facilities, furnishings and equipment are adequately meeting the needs for a learning environment that provides the greatest possible educational foundation to each and every student in the district. Goal 5 – Communicate the successes and needs of our students and school with all constituents. All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 WHAT? All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 WASHINGTON CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT (CHAPTER 180-87 WAC) WAC 180-87.005 PURPOSE. The sole purpose of this chapter is to set forth policies and procedures related to reprimand, suspension, and revocation actions respecting certification of education practitioners in the state of Washington for acts of unprofessional conduct. It is recognized that grounds for the discharge, non-renewal of contracts, or other adverse change in contract status affecting the employment contracts of education practitioners are broader than stated herein. The grounds set forth as unprofessional conduct in this chapter shall not limit discharge, non-renewal of contracts, or other employment action by employers of education practitioners. WAC 180-87-010 PUBLIC POLICY GOALS OF CHAPTER. The public policy goals of this chapter are as follows: (1) To protect the health, safety, and general welfare of students within the state of Washington. (2) To assure the citizens of the state of Washington that education practitioners are accountable for acts of unprofessional conduct. (3) To define and provide notice to education practitioners within the state of Washington of the acts of unprofessional conduct for which they are accountable pursuant to the provisions of chapter 180-86 WAC. LINK All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 Teachers* should always avoid: unwarranted and/or inappropriate touching conversations of a sexual nature (other than in accordance with syllabus) jokes of a sexual nature suggestive remarks or actions obscene gestures obscene language of a sexual nature showing of publications, electronic media, illustrations which are sexually suggestive showing of inappropriate videos (make yourself aware of CSD policy on the use of videos in classrooms) deliberate exposure of a child or young person to sexual behavior of others, other than in the case of curriculum material in which sexual themes are contextual personal correspondence with a child or young person in respect of the teacher's feelings (including sexual feelings) for the child or student comments about a student's appearance which may be misconstrued or considered offensive by the student. Teacher* is an adult who interacts with students under the broad umbrella of the school and learning. LINK All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 HOW? All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 Every team member of the Columbia Schools FAMILY has a lasting and integral impact on the lives of each person they support and serve. All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 WHY? All Staff In-service August 28, 2017
Columbia School District No. 206 All Staff In-service August 28, 2017