Welcome to Ethics! Russell Fail
Course Objectives! Investigate the importance of sound ethical judgment and reasoning for responsible living Analyze significant case studies using key ethical concepts Debate significant ethical issues using respectful, clear, and incisive argumentation Explain, defend, and assess your own ethical perspectives on issues of significance in your own life. Discuss application of course knowledge in professional settings
Contact Information Instructor Name and Credentials: Russell E. Fail, PhD, MDiv, BBA Instructor Contact Information Kaplan Email Address: rfail@kaplan.edu AIM Instant Messenger Name: russfail Course/Seminar Day and Time: Mondays 7:00 PM
Grading Procedures Main areas for grading Discussion Posts (Weeks 1 through 9) Position Paragraph (Week 3) Letter to Your Leader (Week 4) Arbitration Paper (Week 7) Final Application Project (Week 9) Seminars (Weeks 1 through 9) Check Your Knowledge (Weeks 1 through 9)
Final Project Project presents a thorough and reasoned discussion of the student’s experiences in the course regarding the three areas of analytical skill building, knowledge acquisition, and practical application. Project used examples of your own work in a “Portfolio”. Project can be Word or PowerPoint Examples posted in Doc Sharing
Discussion Grading 1. Extent that all discussion questions are answered with substantive posts of 100 words or more. 2. Extent that substantial contributions are made to the discussion threads each week by responding to at least two other students for each thread. 3. Extent that proper grammar and punctuation are used and writing is demonstrated at the collegiate level.
Seminar Participation 1. Your prompt arrival to the session. You should also not plan to leave the session early; doing so may result in a lower seminar participation grade. 2. The extent to which you actively contribute ideas related to concepts being discussed. 3. The extent to which you have prepared for the session by reading Unit material and are prepared to discuss seminar topics. 4. The extent to which you do not interrupt the session with off-topic chatter.
Seminar Discussion Board Grading 1. Answers must be at least 100 words long and be interactive in nature. 2. You must explain your answers fully. You must submit at least one post per seminar discussion thread: your initial and one response. 3. If you attend a seminar other than mine, post this on the Seminar Option 2 board.
Late Policy Late discussion posts must be emailed to me after the unit ends and will be automatically deducted the class participation portion of the discussion grade. Late projects are subject to 10% deduction (one letter grade) per unit late. If an emergency comes up, please contact me so I can work with you. Final projects are not accepted late unless an incomplete has been granted or in some health or family emergencies. This is at the discretion of the instructor.
Seminar Routine Discussion the old business of last week’s work. Discuss the new business of the current week’s work. Discuss the seminar questions.
What is Ethics? Ethics is the study of those values that relate to our moral conduct, including questions of good and evil, right and wrong, and moral responsibility. Ethics is traditionally one of three branches of philosophy Metaphysics: What is real? Epistemology: How do we know? Ethics: How should we act?
Divisions in Ethics Ethics is traditionally divided into major groups of theories Consequential (teleological) Theories Nonconsequential (deontological) Theories Virtue Ethics
Seminar Question 1! After reading the course syllabus, what expectations of the course are still unclear to you?
Seminar Question 2! What skills might you acquire by studying ethics and participating in the learning activities of this course?
Are they important in your own personal or professional life?
Are they important in your own personal or professional life?
Can you think of examples of consequential or non-consequential reasoning that have affected your home life, your work environment or your community in the past week?
Any Questions?