2nd Q, wk #1 Oct. 16-20, 2017
10/16 Bellringer Correct the grammar in the sentence below by writing it correctly: my friend hes the man wearing the dark coat don’t like to ski but he does like to skate
Bellringer corrected copy: my friend hes the man wearing the dark coat don’t like to ski but he does like to skate My friend, the man wearing the dark coat, doesn’t like to ski, but he does like to skate.
10/16 Activity, Hon You will make the Vocabulary Chart for Act II and fill in the first 3 columns only. Turn in for stamp grade. If you have a VLT Rewrite to finish, copy the vocab words and definitions and take the chart home to complete column #3 and use the rest of the class time to finish your VLT
10/16 Reg. Get out vocabulary chart and be ready to complete column #4 as we read. If you are the first to recognize a sentence with one of these words, you get a prize. We will also be completing the study guide questions as we read.
10/17 Bellringer Correct the grammar in the sentence below by writing it correctly: on january 10 1988 mr burns the principal of hammond high school dedicated its new wing
Bellringer corrected on january 10 1988 mr burns the principal of hammond high school dedicated its new wing On January 10, 1988, Mr. Burns, the principal of Hammond High School, dedicated its new wing.
10/17 Activity, Hon You will get in your groups and compare notes as to what kind of alterations (changes) and what type of enhancements the movie producer made to the movie over the play. Use their notes to add more details to your notes On the left side of your Cornell notes, write down some categories of differences you see that are made: changes in setting, changes in order of plot, additional scenes, dramatic effects (makes something from the play appear to be more dramatic on screen), etc. and draw lines (or color code them) from category to example on right. Discuss what effects these changes had and write a summary at the bottom that tells what kind of changes and what their effects were. Turn in papers to tray for a formative grade.
10/17 Activity, Reg. Get out vocabulary chart and be ready to complete column #4 as we read. If you are the first to recognize a sentence with one of these words, you get a prize. We will also be completing the study guide questions as we read.
10/18 Bellringer Correct the grammar in the sentence below by writing it correctly: who did you ask about the interpretation of the poem ulysses jerry asked since your version is different from ms lamers
10/18 Bellringer Correction who did you ask about the interpretation of the poem ulysses jerry asked since your version is different from ms lamers “Who did you ask about the interpretation of the poem Ulysses,” Jerry asked, “since your version is different from Ms. Lamer’s?” 10/18 Bellringer Correction
10/18-10/19 Activity, Honors Meet in Make Write You will meet in your groups to read and take notes on Act II of The Crucible. Today you will read lines p. 487 (opening scene) through line#449, p. 492. Meet in Make a page into Cornell Note style, and the Guiding question will be: “What images of cold does the author use in Act II, lines 1-449, and what does each describe?” Make On the left, you need to write what the author is describing, and on the right side, write the exact words and phrases, with line numbers. Write At the bottom, write a summary of how the author used cold imagery in these lines.
10/19 Bellringer Correct the grammar in the sentence below by writing it correctly: i think brian could of broke the schools record but he fouled out 6 minutes into the last quarter
10/19 Corrected Bellringer i think brian could of broke the schools record but he fouled out 6 minutes into the last quarter I think Brian could have broken the school’s record, but he fouled out six minutes into the last quarter.
10/19 -10/20 Activity, Hon. When you have finished reading lines 1-449 and your notes on the “cold” imagery, turn your paper over Choose some of the questions provided to discuss as a group and fill the back page with the questions and answers you discuss (questions on the left, answers on the right) At the bottom, write a summary of the information you wrote. Turn in for a formative grade.
10/19 Activity, Reg Continue our reading of Act II, completing the study guide and the vocabulary chart When we finish, both will be turned in for a formative grade
10/20 Bellringer Correct the grammar in the sentence below by writing it correctly: prof whitcomb larson the renowned anthropologist has gave many lectures that are now available in his book the lost civilization
10/20 Bellringer, corrected prof whitcomb larson the renowned anthropologist has gave many lectures that are now available in his book the lost civilization Prof. Whitcomb Larson, the renowned anthropologist, has given many lectures that are now available in his book The Lost Civilization.
Activity, 10/20-10/24 Hon. Finish the Cornell notes (questions and answers your group discusses) on lines 1- 449 of Act II When you are finished, turn in papers to tray for a formative grade Begin reading the rest of Act II, making individual Cornell notes in this way: Question and answer for lines 450-550 Question and answer for lines 550-750 Question and answer for lines 750-865 Question and answer for lines 865-1050 Question and answer for lines 1050-1200 Question and answer for lines 1200-end These Cornell notes will be due Wednesday, when you will have a quiz on Act II