Forecasting Transient Heliospheric Solar Wind Parameters at the Locations of the Inner Planets Bernard V. Jackson, P. Paul Hick, Andrew Buffington, John M. Clover Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA and Munetoshi Tokumaru Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan Bernie Title page: Bernard Jackson could not be present because he is giving another talk today at IAU Joint Discussion Session 16 in Rio de Janerio Paul Andy John Munetoshi
Introduction: IPS and SMEI remote-sensing data analyses Tomographic technique used to determine Solar Wind 3D structure Comparisons and forecasts at the inner planets I will discuss how SMEI and IPS remote sensing data analyses have been used to determine the global heliospheric solar wind parameters – density and velocity. I discuss both types of data. I will concentrate on the University of California, San Diego time-dependent tomographic technique that has been used to determine CME structure and their comparison with IPS velocities. At the end of the talk I will show results of a 5-year study comparing the IPS results with Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer measurements of solar wind ram pressure.
Current STELab IPS Heliospheric Analyses New STELab IPS array at Toyokawa - photo February 17, 2007 (array now operates well – year-round operation)
Let’s start with what we observe and analyze DATA Let’s start with what we observe and analyze STELab interplanetary scintillation 327 MHz remote-sensing of the interplanetary medium is shown. <click> Density inhomogenieties in the solar wind on the order of 150 km size from point radio sources produce an intensity pattern variation on the ground that travels away from the Sun with the solar wind speed. This pattern, measured and correlated between different radio sites in Japan allows a determination of the solar wind speed. IPS line-of-sight response STELab IPS array near Mt. Fuji STELab IPS array systems
(Courtesy of P.K. Manoharan) Density Turbulence Scintillation index, m, is a measure of level of turbulence Normalized Scintillation index, g = m(R) / <m(R)> g > 1 enhancement in Ne g 1 ambient level of Ne g < 1 rarefaction in Ne The measurement of the brightness variation on the ground follows a specific pattern relative to the distance of the radio source from the Sun. A scintillation enhancement with respect to the ambient wind identifies the presence of a region of increased turbulence/density and a possible CME along the line-of-sight to the radio source. (Courtesy of P.K. Manoharan) A scintillation enhancement with respect to the ambient wind identifies the presence of a region of increased turbulence/density and a possible CME along the line-of-sight to the radio source.
IPS line-of-sight response Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339 Heliospheric C.A.T. Analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3D reconstruction. STELab IPS The same is shown for daily observations from STELab IPS observations. <click> For the IPS, the “Nagoya” line of sight weighting provides a weight for each source observation on the source surface. 14 July 2000 13 July 2000
IPS C.A.T. Analysis Bastille Day Event 14 July 2000 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2002, Solar Wind 10, 31 IPS C.A.T. Analysis Bastille Day Event 14 July 2000
IPS C.A.T. Analysis Bastille Day Event 14 July 2000 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2002, Solar Wind 10, 31 IPS C.A.T. Analysis Bastille Day Event 14 July 2000
IPS C.A.T. Analysis Bastille Day Event 14 July 2000 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2002, Solar Wind 10, 31 IPS C.A.T. Analysis Bastille Day Event 14 July 2000
Magnetic Field Extrapolation Zhao, X. P. and Hoeksema, J. T., 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 100 (A1), 19. Magnetic Field Extrapolation Inner region: the CSSS model calculates the magnetic field using photospheric measurements and a horizontal current model. 2. Middle region: the CSSS model opens the field lines. In the outer region. 3. Outer region: the UCSD tomography convects the magnetic field along velocity flow lines. Dunn et al., 2005, Solar Physics 227: 339–353.
IPS C.A.T. Analysis Potential field modeling added Dunn, T.J., et al., 2005, Solar Phys., 227, 339 Potential field modeling added
Solar Wind Pressure derived from the MGS Magnetometer at Mars Crider, D.H., et al., 2003, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A12), 1461 Solar Wind Pressure derived from the MGS Magnetometer at Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Artist’s conception. One of two magnetometers on MGS (at the end of the solar panels) is shown. The magnetometers measured the Mars magnetospheric field, and the variations of this field from the portion of the MGS orbit within the Martian magnetosphere allowed a solar wind ram pressure to be derived by relating the changes in this field at the orbit location to the ram location of the solar wind. No continuous direct measurements of solar wind plasma densities or velocities are available at Mars during this time.
| IPS 3D Reconstruction 28 May 2003 ‘Halo’ CME event sequence Jackson, B.V., et al., 2007, Solar Phys., 2007, 241: 385–396 IPS 3D Reconstruction 28 May 2003 ‘Halo’ CME event sequence Density derived from IPS Density time-dependent IPS 3D-reconstruction example during May 2003 when Mars is in the same hemisphere as the Earth. The Earth and Mars location are shown in both image sets. (Munetoshi, don’t speak of this, but the CME mass reconstructed from SMEI for the 27-28 CME sequence is actually NOT the CME mass portion that hits Mars for this event as far as I can tell. The SMEI-reconstructed CME is present, and is the one that is just at Earth and to the East of Earth in these reconstructions. There are several events during this period, and the major event observed at Mars is a more-Westerly portion of the event sequence and proceeds the events that erupt from the Sun on around 27-28 May. SMEI observes this earlier event, but on 30 May 2003 the event has almost completely passed the 1.5 AU outer limit in the SMEI reconstructions of slides 16 and 17.) |
Jackson, B.V., et al., 2007, Solar Phys., 241: 385–396 IPS 3D-Reconstruction 20 May – 05 June 2003, (28 May ‘Halo’ CME) Pressure derived from IPS at Mars Solar Wind Pressure (ρ = 2 X 106 nV2) Time-dependent 3D-reconstruction example of a CME when Mars is in the same hemisphere as the Earth. The Earth and Mars location is shown on the left – the solar wind pressure at Mars derived from MGS and IPS data is shown on the left.
IPS 3D-Reconstruction 12 September – 26 September 2002 period Jackson, B.V., et al., 2007, Solar Phys., 2007, 241: 385–396 IPS 3D-Reconstruction 12 September – 26 September 2002 period Density Pressure (ρ = 2 X 106 nV2) Time-dependent 3D-reconstruction example of a CME when Mars is in the hemisphere opposite the Earth. Density shown on the left – the solar wind pressure at Mars from MGS and IPS is shown on the right.
Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C. UCSD Web pages UCSD IPS analysis Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C. UCSD time-dependent IPS Web forecast Velocity model time-series G-level sky map Real-time tomographic analysis of the solar wind on April 29-30, 2004 showing a halo CME response in the interplanetary medium. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
IPS line-of-sight response Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2010, Solar Phys., 265, 245-256. Heliospheric C.A.T. Analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3D reconstruction. Innovation STELab IPS The same is shown for daily observations from STELab IPS observations. <click> For the IPS, the “Nagoya” line of sight weighting provides a weight for each source observation on the source surface. * 13 July 2000 Inclusion of in-situ measurements into the 3D-reconstructions
Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Jackson, B.V., et al., 2010, Solar Phys., 265, 245-256. Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Innovation Innovation Inclusion of in-situ measurements into the 3D-reconstructions
Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Jackson, B.V., et al., 2010, Solar Phys., 265, 245-256. Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Innovation Forecasts work better if the values match up to the present. The CCMC is running this forecast model with UCSD help.
Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Being evaluated at the CCMC Jackson, B.V., et al., 2010, Solar Phys., 265, 245-256. Innovation Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Density Forecast Inclusion of in-situ measurements into the 3D-reconstructions Forecasts work better if the values match up to the present. Velocity Forecast
Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Being evaluated at the CCMC Jackson, B.V., et al., 2010, Solar Phys., 265, 245-256. Innovation Heliospheric 3D-reconstructions Density Density Forecast Inclusion of in-situ measurements into the 3D-reconstructions Forecasts work better if the values match up to the present. Velocity Velocity Forecast
Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C. Density overview UCSD IPS analysis Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Velocity and Density Earth Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Velocity and Density Mercury Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Velocity and Density Mars Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Earth Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Mercury Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Mars Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
The SERP/STP Coriolis spacecraft at Vanden-berg prior to flight. The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) Mission (Solar Phys., 225, 177-207) B. V. Jackson, A. Buffington, P. P. Hick Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA. R.C. Altrock, S. Figueroa, P.E. Holladay, J.C. Johnston, S.W. Kahler, J.B. Mozer, S. Price, R.R. Radick, R. Sagalyn, D. Sinclair Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL/VS), Hanscom AFB, MA G.M. Simnett, C.J. Eyles, M.P. Cooke, S.J. Tappin School of Physics and Space Research, University of Birmingham, UK T. Kuchar, D. Mizuno, D.F.Webb ISR, Boston College, Newton Center, MA P.A. Anderson Boston University, Boston, MA S.L. Keil National Solar Observatory, Sunspot, NM R.E. Gold Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD N.R. Waltham Space Science Dept., Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK The SERP/STP Coriolis spacecraft at Vanden-berg prior to flight. The SMEI baffles are circled. The large NRL radiometer Windsat is on the top of the spacecraft. The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) instrument on board the Coriolis spacecraft, now halfway through its 6th year in orbit, operates well to measure Thomson-scattering brightness from solar wind electrons from three sensors on the spacecraft (the sensor baffles are circled in red).
1 gigabyte/day; now ~4 terabytes Jackson, B.V., et al., 2004, Solar Phys., 225, 177 Launch 6 January 2003 Data!! Lots of Data!! 1 gigabyte/day; now ~4 terabytes Sun C1 C2 C3 Sun | V SMEI data come in the form of 3 x 60 degree 4-second images over that cover nearly the whole sky from its 840 km Sun-synchronous terminator orbit. It is a “popular orbit” and many other spacecraft can be observed orbiting in the vicinity of Coriolis. Camera 3 views closest the Sun, Camera 1 farthest. Simultaneous images from the three SMEI cameras.
Frame Composite for Aitoff Map Blue = Cam3; Green = Cam2; Red = Cam1 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224 Frame Composite for Aitoff Map Blue = Cam3; Green = Cam2; Red = Cam1 This shows how images from the three cameras are placed together to form a mosaic map of the whole sky around the Earth (October time period shown). D290; 17 October 2003
SMEI first light composite image Jackson, B.V., et al., 2004, Solar Phys., 225, 177 SMEI first light composite image Composite all-sky map 2 Feb 2003 from the three SMEI cameras. A SMEI first light sun-centered Hammer-Aitoff sky map showing the Milky way, and outages near the Sun where the instrument either does not look or Camera 3 is shuttered (near the sun) to avoid saturation by sunlight. The jagged dark area to the northeast of the Sun is an outage caused by high–energy particle hits on the CCD cameras.
Brightness fall-off with distance Jackson, B.V., et al., 2004, Solar Phys., 225, 177 Brightness fall-off with distance The Thomson–scattering signal measured is a very small component of the night sky – approximately 5 x 10-15 the brightness of the solar disk at 90 degrees from the Sun. Competing sources of night-sky light are shown. A very tiny signal
27-28 May 2003 CME events brightness time series Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, J. Geophys Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224 27-28 May 2003 CME events brightness time series for select sky sidereal locations With all contaminant signals eliminated, SMEI brightness is shown with a long-term temporal base removed. Data points are obtained on each SMEI orbit every 102-minutes, and the data here show a CME that has passed the Earth and is measured in situ. (1 S10 = 0.46 ± 0.02 ADU) With all contaminant signals eliminated, SMEI brightness is shown with a long-term temporal base removed. Data points are obtained on each SMEI orbit every 102-minutes in camera analogue to digital units (ADU), and the data here show a CME that has passed the Earth and that is also measured in situ. (We have calibrated SMEI: 1 S10 = 0.46 ± 0.02 ADU)
Heliospheric 3D reconstruction Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339 Thomson-scattering Heliospheric 3D reconstruction 30º LOS Weighting 60º Line of sight “crossed” components on a reference surface. Projections on the reference surface are shown. These weighted components are inverted to provide the time-dependent tomographic reconstruction. 90º
Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2008, J. Geophys Res. , 113, A00A15, doi:10 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, J. Geophys Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224 2003 May 27-28 CME events SMEI density 3D reconstruction of the 27-28 May 2003 halo CMEs as viewed from 30º above the ecliptic plane about 30º west of the Sun-Earth line. SMEI density (remote observer view) of the 27-28 May 2003 halo CMEs LASCO C3
27-28 May 2003 CME event period 12-hour cadence, 7º x 7º lat, long Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, J. Geophys Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224 27-28 May 2003 CME event period 12-hour cadence, 7º x 7º lat, long SMEI proton density reconstruction for the 27-28 May 2003 halo CME sequence. Reconstructed and Wind in-situ densities are compared over one Carrington rotation.
27-28 May 2003 CME event period 12-hour cadence, 7º x 7º lat, long Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, J. Geophys Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224 27-28 May 2003 CME event period 12-hour cadence, 7º x 7º lat, long SMEI proton density reconstruction for the 27-28 May 2003 halo CME sequence. Reconstructed and Wind in-situ densities are compared over one Carrington rotation.
Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2008, J. Geophys Res. , 113, A00A15, doi:10 Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, J. Geophys Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224 27-28 May 2003 CME event period Full SMEI data set, 6-hour cadence, 3º x 3º lat, long SMEI proton density reconstruction for the 27-28 May 2003 halo CME sequence. Reconstructed and ACE L2 in-situ densities are compared over one Carrington rotation.
Summary: a) IPS allows derivation of global velocity, and through conversion of g-level to density – global densities, at low resolution from STELab data, including for CMEs. b) SMEI allows derivation of global densities including that from CMEs at high spatial and temporal resolution using Thomson-scattering brightness. c) The IPS analysis run in near real-time allows a low- resolution forecast of velocity and density all the time at the inner planets – right now! Wish List – higher resolution, dedicated calibrated systems, greater Earth longitude coverage or a space- based system. A breakthrough to determine magnetic field remotely. More resources! $$$, ¥¥¥, NT$ I hope this is self-explanatory.