Study Source A. What is the message of the cartoon? (7 marks) Golden rule: Identify message, support it with detail from the source, explain it with your own knowledge. Message Source Contextual knowledge In the cartoons that follow think about how the cartoons are criticising the war
Study Source A. What is the message of the cartoon? (7 marks) US cartoon from 1971
Study Source A. What is the message of the cartoon? (7 marks) The message of the cartoon is that the war is going increasingly badly for America and leading them to disaster. In the picture we can see an American GI holding his bag which say US Asia policy. The figure is presented as a skeleton which would suggest death. This would clearly link to the fact that by 1971 the war was obviously going badly for the Americans with unacceptably high casualty rates. The fact that the French soldier says, ‘welcome to the slow learners’ club’ is significant. By 1971 ground troops had been in for 6 years with an increasingly wide credibility gap growing between what the government was saying and what was happening on the ground. By 1971 a realisation had set in that America would need to pull out. The French comment links back to the fact that they too had taken too long to realise the futility of controlling Vietnam. An additional message could of course be linked more directly to the skeletons, suggesting that large numbers were dying pointlessly in Vietnam. Read this answer. Identify where the student gets the marks for message, source and CK.
Study Source A. What is the message of the cartoon? (7 marks) Now you write an answer! Swap with your partner and mark their answer. Message Source Contextual knowledge 5 marks 6 marks 7 marks
Study Source A. What is the message of the cartoon? (7 marks)