Charl Roberts The Hosted Model Charl Roberts Good morning again, I’ve called this presentation the hosted model but it is really much more than that, lets have a look at the contents for this presentation.
Agenda Open Access ETD Benefits DSPACE and Metadata OAI and OAI-MHP Examples of National ETD projects The ADT example The hosted model How will it all be done? Your ETD collection Links Questions
Open Access? Free availability of scholarly research literature, without restrictions of price or permissions, on the public Internet. Digital works that are made available often at no cost to the reader on the public Internet for purposes of education and research Our aim is to give open access to our ETD collections, so what would the ETD benefits be?
ETD benefits Research can be found, read, and used by a global audience Greatly increases the chances of the research being cited Lower printing and copying costs Students can be more creative Students can avoid duplicating research Educates students on electronic publishing Showcases an institution’s research
DSPACE and metadata DSPACE – what is it? Metadata? Open Source Software MIT and HP Comes with a built in workflow Large community of users Metadata? Information describing data So before we look at the proposed model of a national ETD system lets discuss DSPACE and metadata to lay the ground work. DSPACE: Open source software not open access Developed by MIT and HP (promises continued development support) Comes with a built in workflow for submissions Has a large community of users that can provide support Promotes Open access Metadata: We’ll learn more about this later but for now an easy definition is information that describes data
How will metadata be shared? The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) A mechanism for repository interoperability. Data Providers are repositories that expose structured metadata via OAI-PMH. Service Providers then make OAI-PMH service requests to harvest that metadata. DSPACE comes built in with a OAI-PMH interface So how will our metadata that describes our ETD be shared with local and international internet users? This is where the OAI comes in: read definition OAI They have developed a protocol for metadata harvesting called OAI-PMH – read definition DSPACE comes built in with an OAI-PMH interface
Example of the Hosted model in other countries Germany - Brazil - United Kingdom - html Australasian - Before we look at our proposed model, lets see some international examples: read slide I’d like to show you a few screen shots as an example of how the web interface is intended to look.
Example of a National ETD project - ADT I’ve taken the example from the ADT site – this is the Australasian Dissertation and Theses project, it incorporates Universities from Australia and NZ. You can see on the home page that that there are currently many member Universities. They only started with six and have incorporated the other Universities as the project grew. They do not use DSPACE but have written their own software to accomplish this. Our project will use DSPACE but the outcome should all be the same.
Continued… In this slide I’ve done a author search for Roberts You can see in the results that there is lots of Roberts authors from many different institutions: highlight institutions names
Continued… In my last screen shot I’ve clicked on the first result and have been taken to the info page on the ETD at he the University of Western Sydney. Clicking on the full text link, I’m able to open the PDF and download the full text. This is the essence of what we wan to accomplish. We want all our ETD collections to share their metadata so one can search across them all and retrieve the full text where ever possible trying to promote Open Access as much as possible. Lets now look at a very basic representation of the suggested hosted model for our national project.
The Hosted Model Universities submit ETDs ETD repository on DSPACE (hosted NRF) National Metadata Repository (NRF) Open Access Repositories (Open DOAR) OAI Union CAT OCLC Library Systems Google Scholar Universities submit their digital content to an collection hosted on the DSPACE server at the NRF – FHU will have their own ETD collection. Through the OAI-PHM the DSPACE service will share its metadata from all the collections with the National Metadata Repository (also hosted at the NRF) The National Metadata Repository will then share the metadata with various service providers: read from slide What about the universities who already have their own ETD projects?
Universities with their own TD collections? Universities submit ETDs ETD repository on DSPACE (hosted NRF) National Metadata Repository (NRF) Open Access Repositories (Open DOAR) OAI Union CAT OCLC Library Systems Google Scholar They will simply share their metadata with the National Metadata Repository at the NRF. They can do this regardless weather they are using DSPACE of another repository software. As the OAI-PHM can allow communication between all theses data providers and service providers. Universities with own TD collections
How will it all be done? NRF to setup DSPACE on central server, hosted at the NRF NRF to dedicate a community to each institution for ETD loading NRF to setup national metadata repository, which will share metadata from all Universities who already have a TD collection and from all Universities represented on the new centrally hosted DSPACE server NRF will setup OAI-MHP and register with service providers So how will it all be done?: read from slide Your IT department basically just have to allow you web access and the NRF will complete the harvesting setup.
Your ETD collection The NRF will give you access to the collection setup for you on DSPACE You will be responsible for the layout, configuration, quality control, workflow and general administration of the collection DSPACE allows for easy export of items or collections, so your collection could be exported and moved to another server / location in the future (without needing to resubmit content) We’ll be able to look at the setup in the hands-on session later today What if you want to move your collection to your own server later?: Read last point on slide
Benefits to the UFH using this model The NRF provides server space and technical setup assistance Sharing your metadata will become easy Less pressure on the technical side means you can focus on workflow and growing your collection More opportunities to cooperate with other institutions nationally (LOCKS Project?)
Links (software used to create repository) OAI OAIster The Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) I’ve added these links for you to have a look at: Read from slide and explain