Msjc’s adoption of canvas
A Brief History OF MSJC’S ONLINE PROGRAM MSJC Online Program began in 2001 Used Blackboard for 16 years Two courses offered in Canvas as part of OEI Exchange in Spring of 2015 Educational Technology Committee reviewed Bb Ultra and Canvas After review ETC recommended to Academic Senate to adopt Canvas Started adoption process spring of 2016 Full adoption of Canvas in fall of 2017
Preparing for Change Develop a Process Share Information with all stakeholders Recruit stakeholders for evaluation of products Develop metric to evaluate products Make a recommendation Create a plan for adoption Implement plan Evaluate and adjust plan
Recruit Stakeholders Identify different constituent groups to be involved Create ad-hoc committee to review different course management systems Share information regarding impending evaluation of different course management systems
Develop a metric to evaluate CMS’s Identify key components needed in a CMS Draft a data collection instrument to collect feedback Schedule presentations from CMS vendors Request sandbox access Build Consensus via review process
Make a recommendation Share data with stakeholders Conduct a vote to ensure majority decision Document process and findings Share out through governance process
Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan Plan for ADOPTION Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan Utilize participatory governance committee to create an implementation plan OEI recommends 17 month adoption plan for Canvas Maintain Bb license for all Incompletes and Course Copying Remind yourselves: The best plans won’t help with procrastinators
Four Phases of Adoption Phase One Pilot Program: Identified all high enrollment, C-ID courses with multiple local and CSU/UC transfer applicability Built a small community of practice (A-Listers) during spring of 2015 Provided intensive f2f workshops and @ONE adopted facilitated and self-paced Introduction to Canvas courses Stipends for courses that met OEI course design rubric standards Offered initial course sections in Canvas Fall 2016
Evaluate and Adjust Phase Two: Fully online courses with strong enrollments, but no C-ID Enrollment in facilitated and self-paced Intro to Canvas online courses Two-hour f2f workshops Plan to offer Phase Two courses in spring 2017 Phase Three: All other online courses Same process as Phase Two Offer courses in fall 2017 Phase Four: All courses, e.g. hybrid, web-mediated, augmented Two hour f2f workshops and enrollment in self-paced Intro to Canvas course
Don’t be too idealistic Desire for all courses coming into Canvas to be pristine Blackboard issues necessitated moving more courses into Canvas earlier than planned New online instructors coming on board in Phases Three and Four (Bb or Canvas) Offering courses in Bb and Canvas FA16 and SP17 Early adopters wanting access before their scheduled phase of adoption
CURRENT UPDATE ~50 online course sections of the roughly 300 online course sections were scheduled to be offered in Canvas in spring 2017 Over 200 faculty members have attended 2-3 hour f2f Introduction to Canvas workshops Simultaneously enrolled in the Introduction to Canvas self-paced online course Sandbox created for all workshop attendees
CONCLUSION Create consensus with stakeholders regarding adoption and timeline for implementation Encourage “Slow and steady wins the race.” (well… at least sometimes) Anticipate challenges and resistance Communicate timeline for migration repeatedly Share resources and provide myriad options for professional development Expect laggards will always be laggards