Understanding Student Achievement and Tiered Supports GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT Todd Braeger, Director of Research & Evaluation
A Bell Curve Represents the Normal Distribution of Aptitude All student populations and subpopulations are well represented by the bell curve. All populations have the same distribution of aptitude. Differences in performance (proficiency) are a result of the interplay between instruction and learning.
A Bell Curve Represents the Normal Distribution of Aptitude Educators also have a normal distribution of skills and abilities. We understand and value the skills and knowledge of educators in our district.
What is Tier I Instruction? Instruction that is specifically designed to meet the needs of and insure positive outcomes for a minimum on 80% of all students. The skilled and highly qualified classroom teacher makes use of scientifically-based instruction and strategies and differentiated instruction using flexible and fluid groupings to meet the needs of all students and ensure positive outcomes for all. Tier I instruction is delivered by whole group explicit instruction and then small group instruction with levels of differentiation: on- level instruction, re-teaching for struggling students, and extensions for advanced students. Tier I small group targeted instruction is a component of core instruction. What is Tier I Instruction?
Tier I instruction applies to ALL students. We strive for all students to benefit from instruction such that they all demonstrate proficiency. Thus, our expectations should be for the “vertical line” we draw to be in the vicinity of 85-90% of our students demonstrating proficiency. Some students require supplemental instruction (Tier II and Tier III intervention) to achieve and/or to approximate proficiency. This is in addition to Tier I instruction.
The curve represents student learning Student scores and grades represent the degree to which our students understand the course material and are able to interpret, navigate, explore, and problem solve their world utilizing such information. As students learn the course material, the curve represents the distribution of their ‘depth’ of knowledge and/or their ability to apply the material being taught.
3 Tier Model –Multi-tiered System of Support Usually we see the MTSS model represented as a triangle pointed up with the three tiers. By doing so, both intervention and extension services are ‘lumped’ together. But we don’t want to lump them. They are different.
By turning the triangle on its side, we see that the alignment between bell curve standard deviations and the 3 Tier Model is not a coincidence
SAGE Student Performance Scores SAGE tests are designed as criterion referenced, meaning that all students have the opportunity to perform at proficiency or above (Level 3 or Level 4). Tests are reported in terms of a proficiency level and as the percent of students scoring in the proficiency range. If students are not achieving the desired proficiency, Tier I instruction must be adjusted to meet the learning needs of all students. Effective Tier I instruction is indicated when 80-90% of our students demonstrate proficiency.
Effective Tier 1 Instruction Effective Tier I instruction that has been adequately differentiated should result in proficiency for the ‘expected’ majority of our students.
For example, if you currently have 40% proficiency, your model would look like this. The goal of continuous improvement is to consistently and systematically “pull” the curve to the right such that our Tier I instruction is effective for a greater and greater percent of our students.
What is Tier II and Tier III Instruction? Tier 2 instruction is supplemental, small group instruction designed for approximately 10% of students not making adequate progress in Tier I. Tier 2 interventions do not supplant Tier I instruction, but are provided in addition to what the student is receiving in Tier I. Tier 3 instruction is supplemental, individualized and customized intervention provided for approximately 5% of students in a smaller group format and delivered with greater frequency and duration than Tier 2. Students in Tier 2 and Tier 3 continue to receive core instruction at Tier 1. What is Tier II and Tier III Instruction?
When Tier I proficiency is imbalanced, Tier II and Tier III interventions cannot fix the problem.
% PROFICIENT Improved Tier I instruction “pulls” the whole curve to the ‘right’. Effective Tier II and Tier III instruction “lifts” students into Tier I.
As a staff, think about your next steps to strengthen Tier I instruction.