Junior Doctor Contract (JDC) Impact on Childcare/Caring Responsibilities Saturday, April 23, 2016
1060 Total Responses Survey Creator: Dr Sethina Watson Date Created: Sunday, April 17, 2016 Complete Responses: 1056 on April 23, 2016
Survey Background The 2016 proposed Junior Doctor Contract has had an equality analysis conducted that includes the following statements: "Disadvantages that may arise can be summarised as follows: (a) although they may benefit overall, certain features of the new contract will adversely impact on 24 those who work part-time, and Table Y in Annex B shows that a greater proportion of women than men work part-time, (b) women, but not men, take maternity leave and some aspects of the new contract have certain adverse impacts regarding maternity, (c) certain features of the new contract will potentially adversely impact on those who have responsibilities as carers; we consider (and assume for the purposes of this analysis) that this group will disproportionately comprise women,… we consider that whilst it is possible that increased rostering of staff in evenings and weekends (as opposed to during day time in the week) may improve conditions for many Doctors working part-time because they may be able to arrange cheaper and more informal childcare arrangements in the evenings and at weekends if they have family support; equally in some circumstances it may impact on those with childcare responsibilities who do not have such opportunities, given the higher cost of childcare at those times, and that they may be disproportionately women... Any indirect adverse effect on women is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. Whilst this may disadvantage lone parents (who are disproportionately female) due to the increased cost of paid childcare in the evenings and weekend, in some cases this may actually benefit other women, for example where individuals have partners, it may be easier to make informal, unpaid childcare arrangements in the evenings and weekends than it is during the week due to the increased availability of partners and wider family networks at weekends and in the evenings." I am a junior doctor and mother of four, one of which is registered disabled, the prospect of finding additional childcare on top of what we already have concerns me. Anecdotal evidence suggests some parents may leave medicine should this contract go through. In 2012, I conducted a survey on less-than-full-time medics, the childcare results were somewhat unexpected and I suspect the results of this survey will be as illuminating. My informal survey is an opportunity to explore this further and assess how many of you have access to cheap, informal childcare and many of the issues raised in the above statements. The survey is open to all genders, those with caring responsibilities whether they be medical students or junior doctors. There are 20 or so questions, it shouldn't take you too long to respond. Answers are confidential. General results shall be shared, including comments. Unless you give permission no identifiable information will be made available. This survey is not sponsored by any specific body. A huge thank you for your time. Thank you, Sethina Watson @morefluids
Q1: What is your age range? Answered: 1,057 Skipped: 3
Q1: What is your age range? Answered: 1,057 Skipped: 3
Q2: What is your gender? Answered: 1,060 Skipped: 0
Q2: What is your gender? Answered: 1,060 Skipped: 0
Q3: Which of the following best describes your current relationship status? Answered: 1,060 Skipped: 0
Q3: Which of the following best describes your current relationship status? Answered: 1,060 Skipped: 0
Q4: Is your partner/spouse also a doctor? Answered: 1,060 Skipped: 0
Q4: Is your partner/spouse also a doctor? Answered: 1,060 Skipped: 0
Q5: Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? Answered: 1,057 Skipped: 3
Q5: Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? Answered: 1,057 Skipped: 3
Q6: Please describe your caring responsibilities Q6: Please describe your caring responsibilities. Please tick all that apply. Answered: 1,044 Skipped: 16
Q6: Please describe your caring responsibilities Q6: Please describe your caring responsibilities. Please tick all that apply. Answered: 1,044 Skipped: 16
Q7: For how many individuals are you a primary carer? Answered: 1,038 Skipped: 22
Q7: For how many individuals are you a primary carer? Answered: 1,038 Skipped: 22
Q8: What are your current childcare/caring arrangements Q8: What are your current childcare/caring arrangements? Please select all that apply. Answered: 965 Skipped: 95
Q8: What are your current childcare/caring arrangements Q8: What are your current childcare/caring arrangements? Please select all that apply. Answered: 965 Skipped: 95
Q9: What is your current grade? Answered: 1,059 Skipped: 1
Q9: What is your current grade? Answered: 1,059 Skipped: 1
Q10: In what specialty are you training? Answered: 1,054 Skipped: 6 NB: You may wish to download and enlarge this image and that on the following slide
Q10: In what specialty are you training? Answered: 1,054 Skipped: 6
Q11: Will the proposed JDC and potential increased evening, weekend and out-of-hours care affect your choice of speciality? Please add comments below Answered: 971 Skipped: 89
Q11: Will the proposed JDC and potential increased evening, weekend and out-of-hours care affect your choice of speciality? Please add comments below Answered: 971 Skipped: 89
Q12: Approximately, what percentage of your net household income does childcare/caring costs take up? Answered: 1,040 Skipped: 20
Q12: Approximately, what percentage of your net household income does childcare/caring costs take up? Answered: 1,040 Skipped: 20
Q13: Do you have access to ‘informal, unpaid childcare’? Answered: 1,048 Skipped: 12
Q13: Do you have access to ‘informal, unpaid childcare’? Answered: 1,048 Skipped: 12
Q14: Do you believe that 'informal, unpaid childcare' would provide reliable, robust childcare/care for you to attend your work? Answered: 1,049 Skipped: 11
Q14: Do you believe that 'informal, unpaid childcare' would provide reliable, robust childcare/care for you to attend your work? Answered: 1,049 Skipped: 11
Q15: If you are to work more evenings and weekends as the proposed junior doctor contract suggests, what childcare/care do you envisage using for these times? Answered: 1,044 Skipped: 16
Q15: If you are to work more evenings and weekends as the proposed junior doctor contract suggests, what childcare/care do you envisage using for these times? Answered: 1,044 Skipped: 16
Q16: If you are able to find additional care, how do you expect to pay for it? Answered: 1,000 Skipped: 60
Q16: If you are able to find additional care, how do you expect to pay for it? Answered: 1,000 Skipped: 60
Q17: The equality assessment suggests that some will find additional childcare easier or more difficult to arrange. How will you find it? Answered: 1,045 Skipped: 15
Q17: The equality assessment suggests that some will find additional childcare easier or more difficult to arrange. How will you find it? Answered: 1,045 Skipped: 15
Q18: If the proposed contract does entail additional weekends/out-of-hours/evenings on top of what you already work how do you expect to continue your career? Answered: 1,052 Skipped: 8
Q18: If the proposed contract does entail additional weekends/out-of-hours/evenings on top of what you already work how do you expect to continue your career? Answered: 1,052 Skipped: 8
Q19: If you stated that you will leave or are considering leaving medicine, what factors contribute to this decision? Select all that apply. You can provide additional comments as needed. Answered: 662 Skipped: 398
Q19: If you stated that you will leave or are considering leaving medicine, what factors contribute to this decision? Select all that apply. You can provide additional comments as needed. Answered: 662 Skipped: 398
Q20: If you are to work more weekends/out-of-hours/evenings than you do currently, do you believe it will have a detrimental effect on your relationship with spouse/partner? Answered: 1,053 Skipped: 7
Q20: If you are to work more weekends/out-of-hours/evenings than you do currently, do you believe it will have a detrimental effect on your relationship with spouse/partner? Answered: 1,053 Skipped: 7
Q21: If you are to work more weekends/out-of-hours/evenings than you do currently, do you believe it will have a detrimental effect on your family life? Answered: 1,054 Skipped: 6
Q21: If you are to work more weekends/out-of-hours/evenings than you do currently, do you believe it will have a detrimental effect on your family life? Answered: 1,054 Skipped: 6
Thank you to all of you who participated. All data is copyright Sethina Watson. sethina@doctors.org.uk Twitter @morefluids