ISSCM 491 Managerial Statistics Students and Course: Executive Degree Programs (EMBA and MBA-Healthcare Management) Cohort of 20 students in each program Quarter terms – 10 classes (three hours each)
ISSCM 491 Managerial Statistics Subjects:
ISSCM 491 Managerial Statistics Subjects (F2F and Online combination):
ISSCM 491 Managerial Statistics Take a sample (Large Group) POPULATION Mean (m) Stand Dev (s) Proportion (P) Sample (Data) Collect Data/Sample (Ch 4) Make a Generalization Describe Data Tabular and Graphical (Ch 2) Numerical Measures (Ch 3) Estimation (Ch 8) Hypothesis Testing (Ch 9) Analyze/Interpret Data Regression (Ch 13, 14, 15) Simple and Multiple Regressions Special Cases, Model Building STANDARD DEVIATION Central Limit (Ch 7) Theorem Normal (Ch 6) Distribution Time Series Forecasting (Ch 16)
ISSCM 491 Coverage Subjects and Schedule Three Major Concepts Standard Deviation Normal Distribution Central Limit Theorem (Class 2) -Normal Distribution -Central Limit Theorem -Estimation Presentation Descriptive Measures -Frequency Distribution -Histogram -Measurements: Central Tendency Dispersion (Class 1) Probability -Random Variable -Distribution Hypothesis Testing -Hypothesis Test -ANOVA (Class 3) (Class 4) STATISTICS -Correlation -Regression -Model Building -Time Series -SPC Predictive Statistics -Population -Sample -Sampling Plans Data Collection (Classess 6,7, 8, 9, 10)
Data Set 0 – Class Examples Sample of Undergraduate Students - 100 (Used for Class)
Data Set 1 – Weekly Homework Real Estate Data - 362 Observations (Used for Homework)
Data Set 2 - Group Project Large Data Set – Inpatients Data (37 columns and 7,750 rows) Three-year period for inpatients with diabetes
ISSCM 491 Managerial Statistics Coverage in Classes: For each subject area What is to be covered? What does it tell us? The application of the technique? How is it calculated (results)? Manual (using a small example) Software (using Survey Data) How to interpret the results? What does the result indicate (not indicate)?
Course Website Resources Homework/Take-Home Exams
Assessment Initially, 10 homework problems (Take-Home Exams) completed and submitted. Next: Homework Assignments 5 and 10 to be completed in class Last (current): Homework 5 is completed in class. Assignment 10 is completed online. (I am available on my computer during assignment 10 if they have questions).