Student led conference
Writing (What does someone have to do in order to be a good writer?) (What is the most important or useful thing you’ve learned as a writer? )
Writing (What one thing in writing do you feel more confident about than you did at the beginning of the school year?) (What could you teach someone about writing?)
Writing (Which writing skill is your strongest? Why?) (Which writing skill do you feel is your weakest?)
Writing (Which mode of writing do you enjoy the most/ Why?) (What still confuses you?)
Writing (What can Mr. Keeler do to help you be a better writer?) (What kind of writing would you like to do in the future?)
Writing These are some of my writing goals for the final trimester here at Glenwood: (goal)
Reading (What does someone have to do in order to be a good reader?) (What is the most important or useful thing you’ve learned as a reader? )
Reading (What one thing in reading do you feel more confident about than you did at the beginning of the school year?) (What could you teach someone about reading?)
Reading (Which comprehension strategy is your strongest? Why?) (Which comprehension strategy do you feel is your weakest?)
Reading (Which genre of reading do you enjoy the most/ Why?) (What still confuses you about reading?)
Reading (What can Mr. Keeler do to help you be a better reader?) (What kind of reading would you like to do in the future?)
Reading These are some of my reading goals for the final trimester here at Glenwood: (goal)
Math (What does someone have to do in order to be at math?) (What is the most important or useful thing you’ve learned as a mathematician? )
Math (What one thing in math do you feel more confident about than you did at the beginning of the school year?) (What could you teach someone about math?)
Math (Which math area is your strongest? Why?) (Which math area do you feel is your weakest?)
Math (Which subject in math do you enjoy the most/ Why?) (What still confuses you?)
Math (What can [your math teacher] do to help you be a better mathematician?) (What kind of math would you like to do in the future?)
Math These are some of my math goals for the final trimester here at Glenwood: (goal)
Science (did you know?)
Social Studies (did you know?)
(encore) (did you know?)
Homework (This is how homework has been…)
Behavior (This is how my in behavior has been has been…)
(wild card 1) (something fun…. funny…interesting… classroom… recess yard… friends…. Etc.)
(wild card 2) (something fun…. funny…interesting… classroom… recess yard… friends…. Etc.)
(wild card 3) (something fun…. funny…interesting… classroom… recess yard… friends…. Etc.)