Evidence for Dayside Interhemispheric Field-Aligned Currents During Strong IMF By Conditions Seen by SuperDARN Radars Joseph B.H. Baker, Bharat Kunduri and J. Michael Ruohoniemi Center for Space Science and Engineering Research (Space@VT) Virginia Tech
The SuperDARN Radars The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) is an international network of high-frequency (HF) radars for researching the Earth’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and connection into geospace.
Interhemispheric FACs A strong IMF By component will penetrate the dayside magnetosphere and produce interhemispheric field-aligned currents (FACs) [Kozlovsky et al., 2003]. For a strong negative IMF By component: NORTHERN HEMISPHERE: Downward FAC in polar cap Outward FAC in closed field-line region Eastward auroral zone convection SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE: Upward FAC in polar cap Downward FAC in closed field line region Westward auroral zone convection From Kozlovsky et al. [2003]
20050529 0240 UT Southern Hemisphere (Winter) Northern Hemisphere (Summer) Afternoon convection is stronger in the southern (winter) hemisphere (left panel) Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) is southward with negative By component
20050529 0240 UT Southern Hemisphere (Winter) Northern Hemisphere (Summer) Southern Hemisphere: Field-aligned currents reinforce afternoon convection Northern Hemisphere: Field-aligned currents counteract afternoon convection
20050216 1330 UT Southern Hemisphere (Summer) Northern Hemisphere (Winter) Afternoon convection is stronger in the southern (summer) hemisphere (left panel) Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) is southward with negative By component
20050216 1330 UT Southern Hemisphere (Summer) Northern Hemisphere (Winter) Southern Hemisphere: Field-aligned currents reinforce afternoon convection Northern Hemisphere: Field-aligned currents counteract afternoon convection
Velocity Differences Southern hemisphere velocities (left) are mapped into the northern hemisphere (middle) and compared with northern hemisphere velocities (right). The velocities are clearly higher at the southern footpoints of the closed flux tubes.
Estimated FAC Magnitudes Current Density (nA/m2) The interhemispheric velocity differences are used to estimate the FAC magnitude.
Width of the FAC Channel Blue = southern velocities Black = northern velocities Feb 16th 2005 May 29th, 2005 The FAC channels are 3-6° wide and the velocity difference is strongest at high latitudes. The velocity difference also decreases moving from noon toward dusk.
Summary During two event periods with strong negative IMF By component, SuperDARN radars observed strong interhemispheric asymmetries in the afternoon sunward convection on closed magnetic field lines. The observations are consistent with interhemispheric field-aligned currents (FACs) flowing out of the northern hemisphere and into the southern hemisphere on closed magnetic field lines [Kozlovsky et al., 2003]. Estimates for the strength of the FACs have been calculated and the latitudinal width of the FAC channel was found to be 3-6 degrees wide. The intensity of the FACs decreased moving equatorward from the open-closed field line boundary and moving from noon toward later local times.