Original Source: http://www. slideshare Changes by Kendal Reilly
First thoughts… Turn these into sentences…
How would you improve the example below?
The thinking process is… 1st = thoughts, 2nd = sentences
How would you improve the example below?
10 Creative Ways to Practice Critiques Table Top Twitter: Place a piece of art in the middle of each table on top of a large sheet of paper. Have students use 140 characters or less to leave a written response on the large paper. Ping Pong Critique: Write thought-provoking questions on ping pong balls and place them in a jar. Students must draw a ball and talk or write about the question. As they get better, students can write their own questions to place in the jar. Strengths/Weaknesses: Make a two-column graphic organizer. For each piece of art have students write three strengths and three weaknesses. Always have them back up their opinions with visual evidence! Interview: Have students use a set of questions to interview each other about their art and the process of making it. Students must report to the class about their partners’ work, rather than their own. I Wonder…: Rather than forming statements or opinions, limit the students to only writing questions about the work. Warn them that they may never know the real answers! Limitations: Give students a limitation (sometimes the path to the most creative thinking!) on how they participate in the critique. For example: You must comment 3, and only 3, times. Love Letters: Write a love letter or Dear John letter to a piece of art. Bring some student emotion into the discussion by having them explain why they love or hate the piece. What happens next?: Ask students to extend their thinking by making inferences. Have students look at a piece of art and create or write about what happens in the next five minutes of the scene, or in the five minutes before the scene. This works best for narrative pieces. Reflection Process: When reflecting, have students get into higher order thinking by asking these questions in this order – What did I do? What was important about it? Where could I use this again? Did I see any patterns emerging? How well did I do? What should I do next? Devil’s Advocate: Have students write both an argument for why a piece is successful and why it is not successful. By having to explain opinions opposite of their own, they must think even more deeply. https://www.theartofed.com/2014/03/18/10-creative-critiques-to-try-this-school-year/