Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn Dutch painter and etcher 1606-1669 Dutch painter and etcher Self Portrait 1628 Self Portrait 1658
St Matthew 1661 Matthew 1:1
Hundred Guilder Print 1648 Matthew 19:1
Judas Returns the Silver Coins 1629 Matthew 27:3
The Resurrection of Christ 1635 Matthew 28:2
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee 1633 Mark 4:37
The Denial of Peter 1660 Mark 14:70
The Adoration of the Shepherds 1646 Luke 2:16
The Circumcision 1661 Luke 2:21
Simeon's Song of Praise Luke 2:25 1631 1669
Simeon's Prophecy to Mary 1628 Luke 2:34
The Holy Family with Angels 1645 Luke 2:40
Young Jesus Standing among the Doctors 1652 Luke 2:46
Jesus and his Parents Return from the Temple 1654 Luke 2:51
The apostle Simon 1661 Luke 6:15
The Good Samaritan Tends the Wounded Man 1644 Luke 10:33
The rich fool 1627 Luke 12:20
The Prodigal Son Wastes his Inheritance 1636 Luke 15:13
The Prodigal Son among the Pigs 1645 Luke 15:17
The Return of the Prodigal Son 1668 Luke 15:21
The Return of the Prodigal Son 1636 Luke 15:21
The Return of the Prodigal Son 1642 Luke 15:21
The Three Crosses 1652 Luke 23:33
Walking to Emmaus 1655 Luke 24:15
Supper at Emmaus 1628 Luke 24:31
Supper at Emmaus 1648 Luke 24:31
Supper at Emmaus 1648 Luke 24:31
Jesus' Disappearance From Emmaus 1648 Luke 24:31
Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery 1644 John 8:3
Martha and Mary at Jesus' Feet 1662 John 11:32
The Raising of Lazarus John 11:43 1630 1632
The Raising of Lazarus 1642 John 11:43
The Descent from the Cross 1632 John 19:38
Doubting Thomas 1634 John 20:27
Ascension 1636 Acts 1:9
The apostle Bartholomew Acts 1:13 1657 1661
The Stoning of St Stephen 1625 Acts 7:58
St James the Elder 1661 Acts 12:2
The apostle Paul 1661 2 Corinthians 1:1 (By Self Portrait)
St. Paul at his desk 1633 Philippians 1:1
END St. Paul in Prison 1627 Philemon 1:1