Risk Assessment Training Shaun Imrie CMIOSH
Aims of the Course To give you an understanding of: Why we have to do risk assessments What is a risk assessment How to do a risk assessment
The Health & Safety At Work Act 1974 Key requirements imposed on employers: To ensure that the health safety & welfare of employees (and others) is protected, as far as reasonably practicable. Provide & maintain equipment and work systems which are safe and healthy. Providing information, instruction, training and supervision. Provide a health & safety policy.
The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Carry out risk assessments Significant risks need to be written down for employers of over 5 people
What is a risk assessment ? A careful examination of hazards in the workplace so that we can understand the amount of risk that our employees and others are exposed to.
Stages of Risk Assessment 1. Identification Hazard Identification Ask each other about accidents / near misses – look around you with ‘fresh’ eyes – do not accept anything as a ‘working risk’. WALK AROUND YOUR WORKPLACE – this cannot be done from a desk!!!! Who is affected? Employees, clients, cleaners, pregnant women, young people, contractors.
What is a hazard ? ‘SOMETHING WITH THE POTENTIAL TO CAUSE HARM’ Physical Noise, vibration, lighting, heat, fire, structural, housekeeping, electrical, gas, radiation, mechanical Ergonomic Anatomical, physiological, psychological Biological Bacteria, viruses, moulds Chemical Flammable, explosive, harmful, toxic, corrosive, irritant, sensitizer, fumes, gases, liquids, solids, dusts, fibres, carcinogens
Stages of Risk Assessment Evaluation Likelihood Estimate the ‘likelihood ‘of injury occurring if the hazard is present Severity Estimate how ‘bad’ the injury might be if the hazard causes harm
Risk Rating Calculation RISK RATING = Likelihood x Severity
Quantifying Risk Risk Evaluation Matrix 1 - Minor Injury, no time off 3 - Injury, 3 days off work 4 - Major Injury 5 - Fatality 1 - No Chance Acceptable Risk Very Low Risk Low Risk Significant Risk 2 - Unlikely High Risk 3 - Possible Very High Risk Extreme Risk 4 - Likely Unacceptable Risk 5 - Definite Stop the activity immediately, and do not resume until risk is significantly reduced Immediate action must be taken to reduce the risk significantly Action must be taken to reduce the risk within 24 hours Action must be taken to reduce the risk within 1 week Action should be taken to reduce the risk within 2 months Action should be taken to reduce the risk within 7 months Any further action which could be taken to reduce the risk should be looked at within 12 months Risk Evaluation Matrix Very Low/Acceptable Risk Unacceptable Risk Likelihood Severity
Suggested Standards for Action Low Risk – Action within 1 month Medium Risk – Action within 2 weeks High Risk – Stop until action completed.
Stages of Risk Assessment 3. Control Measures Existing Control Measures What have you done to reduce the hazards? You need to describe the control measures that are in place at the moment that help to control each particular hazard. This should include any training that is provided. Future Control Measures You may have some other ideas as to any potential further controls that may be used to control hazards in your workplace. This is your chance to get any ideas you may have across. Date Completed BEWARE!! You must make sure these future controls are acted upon or notes made as to why the advice has not been taken i.e. Cost grounds.
Risk Control (General Hierarchy of Measures) Stages of Risk Assessment Risk Control (General Hierarchy of Measures) Workplace precautions which reduce the level of risk to as low as ‘reasonably practicable’ Hazard elimination Substitution (replacement) Isolation (of hazard or worker) Control (use of procedures) Warning systems (signs, instructions) Personal protective equipment.
Stages of Risk Assessment 4. Recording ‘Suitable & Sufficient’ Not PERFECT!!!! Everyone will look at hazards differently – it is important to get feedback from other members of staff. Describe surrounding Risk Assessments are pieces of paper that act as an ‘index’ to the hazards you have. Remember the people that look at these are not familiar with your workplace nor your everyday routines – YOU have to describe it to them. Defence Document They are the key to any defence either from prosecutions by the HSE or claim action by employees/visitors.
Stages of Risk Assessment 5. Information Training Risk assessments should not be ‘shelved’ but made part of the induction training package. Then from day one every new employee is thinking health & safety as well as making money. Existing Once risk assessments are done – the hazards and control Employees measures you have identified need to be passed on to existing employees. 6. Monitor & Review You Need to regularly review the risk assessments. They will be responsible for firstly making sure they are done and secondly that they will help the company defend itself. Reassessment - After an accident has occurred - When equipment, people or layout changes - Annually.
Building a risk assessment
Slip, trip or fall on stairs RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 Date: Severity (nature of injury) 1. Minor injury – no time off work 2. Minor injury – time off work 3. Injury resulting in over 3 days off work 4. Major injury 5. Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Handrails are in place, certain service users are not allowed to use the stairs without help. Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 3 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Handrails are in place, certain service users are not allowed to use the stairs without help. 3 Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 3 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Handrails are in place, certain service users are not allowed to use the stairs without help. 3 Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 3 9 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Handrails are in place, certain service users are not allowed to use the stairs without help. 3 9 Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 3 9 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Handrails are in place, certain service users are not allowed to use the stairs without help. 3 9 Ensure that all staff are aware of those with difficulty on stairs. Y Date: Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date:
Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 3 9 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: RA No: Hazards & People Exposed Risk Current Controls (measures already in place) Residual Risk Future Controls (things to be implemented) Transferred to Risk Reduction Plan Yes/No Operators Visitors Maintenance Young Persons Pregnant Women Other (Specify) Severity Likelihood Total Risk Slip, trip or fall on stairs 4 16 Handrails are in place, certain service users are not allowed to use the stairs without help. 3 9 Ensure that all staff are aware of those with difficulty on stairs. Y Date: 02/07/2010 Severity (nature of injury) Minor injury – no time off work Minor injury – time off work Injury resulting in over 3 days off work Major injury Fatality Likelihood (chance of injury occurring) No chance Unlikely Total Risk = Possible Severity x likelihood Likely Definite Assessor: Review Date: 02/07/2011
Ensure that all staff are aware of those with difficulty on stairs. RISK REDUCTION ACTION PLAN Company Name: Work Area: Activity/Machine: R/A No: Further Control Measure Required Target Date Comments Person Responsible Acknowledgement Signature Date Complete Ensure that all staff are aware of those with difficulty on stairs.