They all have “Unbreakable Spirits” Osteogenesis Imperfecta Chelsea Christensen They all have “Unbreakable Spirits”
The Basics “Brittle Bone Disease” Mainly caused by a collagen deficiency Dominant, Recessive and Spontaneuous Mutations
Traits Shown By Most All Types have their own characteristics General characteristics that stay the same Short stature Fragile skin and joints Easy bleeding Curve of spine
A Pedigree From an Amish Family
The Dominant Side of Things Types I through V Type I- most common Type II- most severe Type III- most severe past infant stage Type IV- moderate Type V- moderate
Rare Recessives Type VII- with total loss of cartilage it is lethal Type VIII- severe growth deficiency Type VI- is undetermined
Diagnosis of OI Usually a clinical diagnosis based on the physician’s observations. Collagen analysis using skin sample or DNA sequencing with a blood sample Ultrasound may detect abnormalities at 14-18 weeks, or through amniocentesis.
What Can Cause Breaks? Infants Rolling Burping Being picked up Infants Rolling Burping Being picked up Children Kicking Jumping rope Skipping Adults
How Some Manage Life Limitations Aids No sports Parents taught how to hold babies Aids Wheelchair Crutches
Adulthood Normal life? Children?
No Cure Physical therapy Braces and casts Medicines being tested Bisphosphonates, they include medications titled Aredia©, Fosamax©, and Reclast©
Child Abuse Allegations very common with OI cases Work with your doctor to avoid allegations Protect yourself from being listed as an abusive parent
Common Myths A baby should be carried on a pillow and discouraged from moving OI is a childhood disorder that one grows out of by their teens All children born to parents with OI will have OI
Meet Leah 16-months old 70 breaks
Works Cited Larocca, Felix. 2010. “Ostegenesis Imperfecta and a Mother Smaller than her Infant Son”. Available: OI Foundation. 2007. “Facts about Osteogenesis Imperfecta”. Available: OI Foundation. 2001. “Types of OI”. Available: OI Foundation. 2007. “Myths about OI”. Available: OI Foundation 2007. “Child Abuse Allegations”. Available: MedlinePlus. 2010. “Osteogenesis Imperfecta”. Avaible: Robinson, Loretta. 2009. “Family Demonstrates Unbreakable Spirit Dealing with Child’s Brittle Bone Disease”. The Muskegon Chronicle. Available: