Brian Bolt Clemson University Animal & Veterinary Sciences Oral Reasons Brian Bolt Clemson University Animal & Veterinary Sciences
Class Notes Need to work for you Custom Shorthand Help develop a mental image Class Name IDs Descriptions Comparisons
1 2 3 4
Name of Class & How You Placed It Breeding Heifers #1, 1-2-3-4 1/2 2/1 Grants 2 2/3 3/2 Grants 3 3/4 4/3 Grants 4
Reasons Oral/Written defense of your placings Short…under two minutes Honest Clear Simple “Do the Big Things”
Organizing Reasons Name of Class & How You Placed It Ideally Statement “My Placing of the Breeding Heifers is 1-2-3-4” Ideally Statement “Ideally I would have liked to have seen my class winner even ______________” But Statement “But I still chose her over 2 in my initial comparison”
Organizing Reasons Next Pair Reasons, Grants and Reasons “As she is the _______ (est or er terms) _________....(usually only 3 concepts)…I realize that 2 is (here’s your grant) but at the same time she’s ___________ (est or er terms) so she’s second.” Next Pair Next Pair (Just finish it up with a strong statement) “I grant 4 is more ________, but at the same time she is the (est terms here) in this class”
Some Alternatives Performance Reasons Market Classes “After analyzing the data and interpreting the scenario I found a need for _____________, for these reasons I ranked the heifers 1-2-3-4” Take each pair to the scenario Market Classes Take each pair to the rail…carcass logic
Reasons The Same format every time Do not make it more complicated than necessary Presentation Skills, Etiquette Exude Confidence Eye Contact Volume
Tips… Good Notes = Good Reasons Keep It Simple Beware of Canned Reasons & Sexy Terms Less Theatrics MORE Analysis Make it Fun Get ‘em over their fear of speaking in public and in front of strangers
The Reality “It’s not about lining up four animals and giving reasons…it’s about making decisions and defending them” I am better for having judged livestock