Family Crest by: student’s first name & last name Period & Date This is your Title Page Family Crest by: student’s first name & last name Period & Date COPY and PASTE an image of your family crest to this slide.
PowerPoint and Presentation Instructions: Once you are finished with your PPT: Check your SPPS APPS email for an invitation to Digital Imaging class folder for your hour. Upload the completed Family Crest PowerPoint to your Google Drive/class folder. Drag and drop the PPT in to the class folder. Completing this PPT Throughout this PPT slide presentation instructions will be included in grey text. Follow these instructions carefully to earn maximum points. DELETE ALL INSTRUCTIONS from the slides BEFORE SUBMITTING any work AND BEFORE PRESENTING YOUR FAMILY CREST TO THE CLASS – including this page. Talk with the Instructor if you have questions.
Color Scheme Include the name of the COLOR SCHEME represented in your family crest design: Analogous, Triad (Primary or Secondary), Complementary, Split Complimentary, Double Complimentary, Monochromatic (Tint & Shade), Warm/Cool, Neutral. Include a DEFINITION of the color scheme and the COLORS REPRESENTED. Explain the significance of the colors in the family crest. Explain what symbolic meaning do they have and why you chose to use those specific colors? Search the internet or reference the textbooks in class or classjump.
First Principle of Art, BALANCE Explain and illustrate which type of BALANCE was used in your Family Crest. Bilateral Symmetry or Radial Symmetry or Asymmetry Define the principle of BALANCE. See the chart on the wall in class. What Elements of Art were use to create the Principle in your composition? What is balanced in your image? Color, shape, line, value, space, texture
Second Principle of Art Explain and illustrate the second principle used in the family crest. Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Repetition, Rhythm, Unity, Define the principle used to make your Family Crest. See the chart on the wall in class. What Elements of Art were use to create the Principle in your composition? Color, shape, line, value, space, texture
Third Principle of Art Explain and illustrate the third Principle used in the family crest. Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Repetition, Rhythm, Unity (Balance was already used) Define the principle used to create your Family Crest. See the chart on the wall in class. What Elements of Art were use to create the Principle in your composition? Color, shape, line, value, space, texture
Bit Map Images Explain what changes you made to the Bit Map images in the family crest. Examples below: Resize image Placement within the family crest Change colors Remove background color Remove background images Explain what a bitmap image is. Explain what your chosen images mean and/or represent? Why or how did you choose the placement of the symbols?
Text and Typography used Explain how text and typography were used in the family crest: What words or letters did you include in your Family Crest? Type/name of font used Resize, weight Colors used Additional Special Effects
Vector Graphics Provide an example of your vector work and explain how the vector image was created. Explain the initial shape you started with. Explain any special effects used Explain any Anchors, Pathways and Strokes Did you use LIVE COLOR to fill or color your shape? Did you use other symbols from AI in your composition? How did you decide where to place the symbols? Explain what a Vector is.
Layers How many layers were used in creating your family crest? Four or more Explain both how and why you arranged your layers the way you did. How/why did you choose the order of your front or back layers. Option: show examples of your layers. What was in the front layer Middle/front layer Middle-back layer Background layer Any additional layers you included
Respond & Self-Assess What do you like most about your Family Crest? Give examples from your work. What was your biggest challenge? What would/could/should you do differently next time?