-New opportunities -Way forward For tomorrow’s session -GOFC expectations from RN (from management); Summarize priority activities for each network; -connections between networks – Miombo policy briefs; -RN expectations from land-cover IT -Structure of GOFC – membership of RN’s in Land-Cover IT; GOFC-GFOI – coordination and linkage; R&D by GOFC (Martin as lead); -provide resources/funding to trainers (from the region) to extend to others; Chris – Regional funding opportunities should be explored; -Silvacarbon – RN support for meetings/trainings (not just Govt); -RN network webpage updates; -Action: GOFC-GOLD MAIN WEBPAGE with all themes to be developed with all RN links (to their webpages if exists..!) -webpage updated info; -
Cheikh – Networks involving in Fund raising meetings; GOFC-to facilitate and create conditions on fund raising through RN’s; GOFC-help writing/provide scientific support on proposals to RN’s GOFC- some template to develop – on benefits of becoming part of RN’s GOFC-extending beyond Land and Fire themes; Network wide proposals to support RN’s (world bank, GEF, Belmont forum, Future Earth – foundation money (funding opportunity –Qi) GOFC Networks - mechanisms for new ones need to be established through solid protocols; Private foundations to explore for funding opportunities Excon has to approve formation of new networks