Informatics 121 Software Design I Lecture 4 Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited.
Today’s lecture Design studio 1 continued
Design studio 1 – original task You are tasked with designing “social table”, a software system that enables restaurant customers to place orders, but also socially interact about their others with others in the restaurant (and perhaps beyond) Identify audience other stakeholders goals constraints Clearly document these in a typewritten document, to be handed in on Thursday, October 17, at the beginning of class
Design studio 1 – original task Assignment is on an individual basis, but will be continued in class on Thursday You should focus on generating broad lists; that is, as many items in each list as possible four separate lists (audience, stakeholders, goals, constraints) The overall focus is on brainstorming your document does not need to have lengthy narratives (but should be clear)
Design studio 1 – today Design at least three different social table systems (in 60 minutes) focus on the interactions the audience would have with each system that you design, but keep in mind all stakeholders what does it look like (25%)? how does the audience experience the system (50%)? how does it meet the goals of the stakeholders (25%)? Reflection (20 minutes)
Reflection What resources did you use in creating your lists of audience, other stakeholders, goals, and constraints ?
Reflection Did each of you have the same lists of audience, other stakeholders, goals, and constraints ?
Reflection How broad were the lists of audience, other stakeholders, goals, and constraints ?
Reflection Did the lists of audience, other stakeholders, goals, and constraints help during today’s exercise?
Reflection How easy was it to think of three different designs?
Reflection Did you structurally vary aspects of your design?
Reflection Did your understanding of the problem change while you were designing?
Reflection How was this different from the other design exercises we have performed in class thus far?
Design studio 1 – today Design one social table system focus on the interactions the audience would have with each visit system you design, but keep in mind all stakeholders what does it look like (25%)? how does the audience experience the system (50%)? how does it meet the goals of the stakeholders (25%)?
Design studio 1 – final task Deliver a type-written document that provides your final design for the “social table” system Part 1 audience stakeholders goals constraints Part 2 analysis of the most difficult and/or important design decisions in terms of goals, constraints, assumptions, other ideas that you may have had, and the eventual decisions and rationale for the decisions Part 3 final design for what the social table system looks like final design for how the audience will experience the system, with motivation for the choices you made
Design studio 1 – final task This is a team assignment (with team evaluations) Due Tuesday, October 22, at the beginning of class Prepare a 10 minute presentation for your design of the “social table” system 5 slides, no more some will present, but not all