Student Career Readiness Survey
About the career readiness survey Researchers at the University of Derby have been asked to undertake research to find out how programmes of careers education and career guidance help young people with their career decision making. To do this we need to ask you some questions about your experiences of your own school or college careers programme and what you have learned. We also want to find out how prepared you are to make career decisions. We are going to repeat this survey each year for 4 years This will tell us how improving careers programmes helps young people. This is called a longitudinal study because we can compare the results from each year against the developments which school or college is making.
Think back to all the activities you participated in that may help support you in further learning and work. The survey asks you about activities you may have participated in at school or college and how ready you feel for further learning and work. There is no right or wrong answer but please answer as honestly as possible. Thanks very much for your contribution.