Hardware Source: ttp://www.edsim51.com/8051Notes/8051/8051Hardware.html under http://www.edsim51.com/8051Notes/index.html
Intel MCS-51 family of microcontrollers On-chip Code Memory On-chip Data Memory Timers 8051 4K ROM 128 bytes 2 8031 8751 4K EPROM 8052 8K ROM 256 bytes 3 8032 8752 8K EPROM In addition: four 8-bit input/output (I/0) ports serial interface 64K external code memory space 64K external data memory space Boolean processor 210 bit-addressable locations 4us multiply/divide
Pins Port 0 I/O port. Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 RST Reset. For resetting the 8051 (ie; loading the PC with the correct startup value). EA-bar External access. For enabling or disabling the on-chip ROM. ALE Address latch enable. For latching the low byte of the address PSEN-bar Program store enable. For fetching instructions from external code memory.
Port 3 Pin Name Bit Address Function P3.0 RXD B0H Receive data for serial port P3.1 TXD B1H Transmit data for serial port P3.2 INT0-bar B2H External interrupt 0 P3.3 INT1-bar B3H External interrupt 1 P3.4 T0 B4H Timer/counter 0 external input P3.5 T1 B5H Timer/counter 1 external input P3.6 WR-bar B6H External data memory write strobe P3.7 RD-bar B7H External data memory read strobe