same for both sectors 45 and 56 CT-PPS Motherboard (1) General Schema same for both sectors 45 and 56 Clock Distribution Clock System Clock DOHM FEC Control Control Detectors Detectors LV/HV Detectors Tracker FED Detectors CT-PPS MB Data TOTFED OptoRX and MicroTCA Data ~2m Trigger ~80m Alcove Power Supply HV HV LV DCS/DSS DCS/DSS TUNNEL ~250m USC
Commands Distribution CT-PPS Motherboard (2) Basic Blocks FPGA SoC M2S150-FCG1152 MICROSEMI INPUT OUTPUT Connectors for Control CCUM Clock and Commands Distribution Connector for HPTDCs Mezzanine GOHs Connectors for SAMPIC Mezzanines + Flash EPROM POH QuickUSB Mezzanine Power Distribution JTAG Port
CT-PPS Motherboard (3) SAMPIC Mezzanine POH Mezzanines
CT-PPS Motherboard (4) FPGA type
CT-PPS Motherboard (5) Schematic
CT-PPS Motherboard (6) Status 1 To be defined What to use CCU25 chip or CCUM mezzanine CCU25 chip – no answer yet for availabilities CCUM mezzanine – available Using CCU25 chip provide more functionalities (JTAG, etc.) POH transmitters - which to use, number of channels? HPTDC mezzanine dimensions SAMPIC mezzanine final version Power distributions on board (for FPGA, detectors, etc.) DCS information (temp, vacuum, radmon, etc.) !
CT-PPS Motherboard (7) Status 2 Schematic drawing is ongoing Defining the connectivity to the front-end and outside electronics is ongoing Components selection is ongoing PCB layout time is reserved at CERN Very preliminary plan Components ordering now SCH to be finished mid of May 2015 PCB layout to start after SCH / FPGA verification beg of June 2015