White Privilege: Personal History Report My family History White Privilege: Personal History Report
Where my ancestry begins Arrived in America from a variety of cultures and countries. Such as: England, Germany and the Netherlands. Predominantly white cultures. My family has benefited and has had opportunities that other ethnicities may not have had.
My Great Grandfather and my gran His accomplishments Successful business owner Logging mill, grocery store, car dealership, Auto Shop, and Built and sold homes My Gran’s story: Built her own Accounting Business. Her and my mother currently are co-partners in the business.
My Life and the impact of white privilege Grew up in a predominantly white community and schools. College and my pre-internship have been the most rewarding learning experience about white privilege and what it means to other cultures and races. My hope: Take what I've Learned to become a better teacher.
Generation to Generation My brother and I: Our chances and opportunities to Succeed I will be the first person in family to graduate from a four college with a bachelors in Secondary Education: History Major with an English Minor My brother will be the second in my family to graduate from a four year college with a bachelors in Chemistry and Italian WMU-Go Broncos
What I’ve learned White Privilege is still a very important issue present today. It is important that we incorporate this issue within our classes and in literature. I think Sherman Alexie’s Novel is a perfect novel to Incorporate into an upper level English classroom. A good way to teach and inform our students of the important issues and complexities of White privilege.