America Makes Additive Manufacturing Maintenance and Sustainment Advisory Group Monthly Telecon Agenda – February 19, 2016 Minutes from January Telecon – Brett Conner Attendance / New Member Introductions Old Business America Makes Sustainment Business Model Wargame WG Planning Update – Mark Vitale/Marilyn Gaska/Greg Kilchenstein New Business MICAP Part Analysis and Decision Tree Suggestion – Tom Santelle, RP+M Working Group Reports and Discussion DoD AMMO January Meeting Highlights – Greg Kilchenstein Additive Manufacturing Specs, Standards, and Schemas Advisory/Working Group Update – Jim Williams Business Model Wargame Working Group Planning – Next Telecon Feb 26ths – Mark Vitale/Marilyn Update on America Makes Roadmap Advisory Group – Federico Sciammarella Commercial Industry Working Group Way Forward - Christopher Krampitz, UL (invited) External Outreach (AA&S) / Education Update – Marilyn & Ed Morris Next Live Meeting / Telecon: March 18, 2016, 11AM – Noon EST
AM Business Model Wargame Working Team Documentation
Agenda – Team Call Feb 10, 2016 Introductions Quick Review of the Program Team members: roles, responsibilities Overview of preparation tasks and timeline Thoughts on objectives for the Game
AM Business Model – Working Team
Wargame – Required Preparation Finalize simulation/wargame objectives Enlist executive sponsors for the event Identify candidates, understand motivations Meet and greet… capture requirements Describe value of a strategic simulation Develop scenarios that can be tested and validated in the simulation. Scenarios should be driven by: Technology trends Regulations, laws, and Policy updates Risks Changing market dynamics Economic indicators Identify and attract simulation participants Create Value proposition Develop invitation from client executive(s) Share an overview of activities, roles and responsibilities and expected outcomes Develop participant/team economic-corporate models Create materials by which participants have a shared understanding of the entity that they are simulating Create interconnectivity between and amongst participants to create strategic tension Create dynamic cost and pricing models to ensure that business model options can be assessed Develop Game moves and control dynamics Procedures Player/Team moves required Stresses, move catalysts and questions Scoring and comparative mechanisms Outbrief and lessons learned exchanges Identify and train facilitators Pre-briefs Dry runs Facilitator guides Scribe guidance Logistics Pre-read and game day materials Administravia Facilities and Location Food & Beverage Parking Transportation Lodging Communications Day of Event Execution Introductions/objectives Game Context “Moves” designed as a part of the game Documentation / outputs to be produced Control operations Logistics Facilitation Capture After Action reporting Consensus on results Write up Communication plan
AM Wargame – Milestones / Timing Feb 26 Finalize Executive Sponsors and Objectives Mar 4 First Draft of Game Scenarios Mar 11 Publicize the Event and begin to identify participants Mar 18 Outline of Game dynamics (hypotheses, moves, stresses, etc.) Apr 1 Finalized Game Scenarios Apr 15 Finalized set of Game dynamics Apr 29 Created Game materials and documents May 3 Conduct final Dry Run May 9-10 Hold Wargame Event in advance of NCMS/CTMA Partners Meeting
AM Wargame – Concept Introduction slides January 14, 2016
Additive Manufacturing for Maintenance and Sustainment Advisory Group – 12/2016 Technology Roadmap AG America Makes Additive Manufacturing for Maintenance and Sustainment Advisory Group (AM Members Only) OSD Additive Manufacturing Maintenance Operations (AMMO) Working Group Specs, Standards, and Schemas AG Jim Williams Commercial Industry Working Group AM Solutions for MICAP Parts Working Group AM for Sustainment Business Model Wargame Working Group Marilyn Gaska and Mark Vitale
Strategic Simulation Approach: Application to Additive Manufacturing The Department of Defense and other leading organizations have long leveraged the benefits of strategic simulations. These activities allow sometimes disparate stakeholders to engage in activities designed to: - Promote a shared understanding of the possible and probable - Share ideas and recommendations for progress, and to - Test and validate planning assumptions These activities often reduce the timeline to successful implementation while identifying challenges, and providing executable solutions. The issue of Additive Manufacturing (AM) lends itself in complexity and impact to be an issue what would benefit from conducting this type of exercise.
AM for M&S Business Model Wargame Objectives: Advance the understanding of the business model of how Industry and the DoD might fully utilize AM technologies and processes Understand the impact of these changes on the DoD and it’s commercial partners Define and test assumptions with regard to business and operating model Sponsors: America Makes Additive Manufacturing for Maintenance and Sustainment Advisory Group, in collaboration with the Office of the Secretary of Defense Additive Manufacturing for Maintenance Operations Event Leadership: America Makes Additive Manufacturing Maintenance and Sustainment Business Model Wargame Working Group for this event Co-chaired by Lockheed Martin and Deloitte Consulting Attendance: Open to all interested parties; America Makes membership not required
Proposed Simulation Focus Specifically, the simulation could be designed to define and test a to-be-determined subset of the myriad of planning, technical, commercial assumptions and practices which comprise the implementation of AM across the Government and Industry. To create the environment by which to ascertain the validity of these practices and allow the anonymity necessary to provide open dialogue and “game play”, a simulated environment will be created that: Examines commercial challenges Intellectual property ownership Acquisition approaches for part specifications Revenue generation models Role of the OEM, DLA, Services Examines Operations challenges Part identification Information processing and data management Qualification and certification
Working Group Planning Tasks Plan and Execute Simulation Event: Objective and scenario definition Analysis and preparation Invitations / attendance Event facilitation After action reporting Create a set of artifacts for the simulation to include: The fictitious weapon system, and set of repair parts which may be suitable for AM Description of the repair parts such as: performance, economics, etc. Acquisition framework for Industry and Government to test commercial considerations Scenario development and game moves to allow participants to inform decision-making