JEOPARDY Chapters 3-5
Categories Row 1 100 200 300 400 500 Row 2 100 200 300 400 500 Row 3 100 200 300 400 500 Row 4 100 200 300 400 500 Row 5 100 200 300 400 500
Final Jeopardy
What is The 17th Amendment? Progressives called for the direct election of senators with this amendment to the constitution.
Progressives called for a graduated income tax with this amendment. What is the 16th amendment Progressives called for a graduated income tax with this amendment.
What is Referendum and Recall? Citizens gained more direct democracy with the use of 3 progressive reforms. Initiative, _______ and _______.
The purpose of this agency was to set maximum railroad rates. What is the ICC? The purpose of this agency was to set maximum railroad rates.
What is Disenfranchised? Poll Taxes, literacy tests and Grandfather clauses were ways that African Americans were ________?
What is expand? Progressive laws such as the ICC, Meat inspection, conservations efforts etc… caused the government to expand or get smaller?
The railroad building boom during the nineteenth century contributed to A .increasing agricultural production in the Northeast. B. the establishment of trade relations with Mexico. C. dramatic population decreases in Southern cities. D the rapid industrialization of the United States
D the rapid industrialization of the United States
Progressivism failed in regards to what group of people? Who are African Americans? Progressivism failed in regards to what group of people?
What is Industrialization and Immigration. The rapid growth of cities during the Industrial Revolution was caused by ______ and ______.
What is Plessy vs. Ferguson? This 1896 court case confirmed that segregation was considered legal in America.
What is Meat Inspection? Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle led to the passage of the _______ __________ acts.
“Don’t Choke!” Daily Double
What is Southern and Eastern? The later immigrants after the 1880s were from ______ and _______ Europe.
What is Americanization? The movement to assimilate different cultures into American Society was known am ________tion.
Who are immigrants? In order to get essential services these people supported political machines by giving them their vote.
“Don’t Choke!” Daily Double
These journalists were willing to expose corruption in society. Who are Muckrakers? These journalists were willing to expose corruption in society.
This group was excluded from immigrating to the U.S. in 1882. Who are the Chinese? This group was excluded from immigrating to the U.S. in 1882.
Our government tried to protect domestic industry by raising _______ What are Tariffs? Our government tried to protect domestic industry by raising _______
What is the Social Gospel Movement? This movement emphasized the restructuring and education of the urban poor.
What is C) Strict regulation Which of these does not belong? A) large labor force of immigrants B) new inventions and techn in U.S. C) strict govern. regulation of business D) laissez-faire policies towards business
What is Catholic? Many Irish immigrants experienced Nativism because they were poor and ________.
What is the Children’s Bureau? This government agency started in 1912 was set up to investigate and report on the welfare of children.
What is the Populist Party? This political party was formed to help small farmers and workers. It melted into the progressive party.
What are Social Darwinists? These people supported survival of the fittest in the business world. They championed laissez-faire economics. If your business failed, too bad so sad. They are known as ________ ________.
Who are Robber barons? Wealthy Industrialists who used vertical and horizontal integration to eliminate competition were known as______ _______.
What is the YMCA? The Social Gospel Movement and Dwight Moody did much to improve and restructure urban society. They created this organization for children..
His assembly line was an example of efficiency and specialization What is Henry Ford? His assembly line was an example of efficiency and specialization
Who is Andrew Carnegie? Which millionaire industrialist was associated with the “Gospel of Wealth,” which stressed the need to give back to society.
What is Industrialization and Urbanization? Progressives sought to fix the problems caused by rapid ________ and ________ of America.
What is the AFL or American federation of labor This labor union led by Sam Gompers was known for taking both skilled and unskilled workers.
Reconstruction------white officials regain control in south-----Literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses During the late 19th century, the above sequence of events resulted in the A. disfranchisement of most African Americans in the South. B. movement to repeal the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. C. strengthening of the Republican Party in the South. D .expansion of free public education to all children.
A. disfranchisement of most African Americans in the South
The followers of the Social Gospel movement believed that organized religion must place greater emphasis on A reconstructing American society. B raising funds. C supporting the Populist Party. D stopping immigration to the United States..
A. reconstructing American society