Chapter 3 Scripture: A Portrait of Jesus Vocabulary 1. New Testament 2. Gospel 3. Evangelist 4. Synoptic 5. discourse 6. Acts of the Apostles 7. Paul 8. epistles 9. Book of Revelation 10. inspiration
Aim: What is the New Testament? I. New Testament tells that Jesus, the Son of God is the Messiah, the Savior that the people of Old Testament longed for. A. written about A.D. 125 B. 27 books in the New Testament C. Four main sections 1. Gospels 4 2. Act of the Apostles 3. Letters #21 4. Book of Revelations
II. Gospel means the “good news” of God’s mercy and love for us. A. All four Evangelist proclaim the same news: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who revealed the Father’s love for us and saved us. B. Evangelists means “proclaimers of the Good News” they are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John C. Synoptic means the “same view” 1. Matthew, Mark and Luke are called synoptic because they are so much alike 2. John’s Gospel was written last and has a different style of discourses (long speeches) and stories not found in the other Gospels
III. The Acts of the Apostles were written by Luke and tell III. The Acts of the Apostles were written by Luke and tell the story of the early Church A. Paul is a persecutor of Christians who through the direct intervention of Jesus is converted and becomes the greatest missionary in the early Church IV. The epistles or letters were written before the Gospels and mostly by Paul. A. They tell us about the issues the early Church had to face. B. The second reading at Mass on Sunday and holy days is always from one of these books C. 21 Letters the earliest writings of the N.T.
V. The Book of Revelation was written during a time of V. The Book of Revelation was written during a time of persecution and is difficult to understand because of symbols it uses are unfamiliar to us A. It encouraged Christians to accept the cross for God who has already triumphed in Jesus VI. Inspiration is the action of God that moves people to communicate what God wants made know, using their own background, culture, language, and style A. Influenced by the Holy Spirit
tells that Jesus, the Son of God is the Messiah, the Savior that the people of Old Testament longed for New Testament means the “good news” of God’s mercy and love for us. Gospel means “proclaimers of the Good News” they are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Evangelists means the “same view” Synoptic (long speeches) and stories not found in the other Gospels discourses
were written by Luke and tell the story of the early Church Acts of Apostles is a persecutor of Christians who through the direct intervention of Jesus is converted and becomes the greatest missionary in the early Church Paul or letters were written before the Gospels and mostly by Paul. Epistles was written during a time of persecution and is difficult to understand because of symbols it uses are unfamiliar to us Book of Revelation is the action of God that moves people to communicate what God wants made know, using their own background, culture, language, and style Inspiration
Mark Companion of Peter Written 63-70 First Evangelist to write Audience Persecuted Christians Characteristic Short, fast moving Portrait Man of action & suffering
Matthew Apostle Written 80 – 100 Audience Jewish converts Characteristic Quotations from Hebrew Scripture 11/18 1st period Five Sermons Infancy Narrative Portrait Teacher New Moses
Luke Doctor, Gentile, companion of Paul Written 70 – 90 Audience Gentiles (non-Jewish) Characteristic Infancy stories 11/17 9th p Warm human portraits Portrait Savior and friend of all sinners, the poor, women, Samaritans
John Apostle Written 90 – 100 Audience Christian defending their faith Characteristic Poetic, symbols Reflective Discourses Portrait Son of God Giver of Life
Gather and Go Forth page 25 Read Together “Know and Proclaim” Answerer the Test question Read “A Catholic to Know” p 26