October Mrs. Miller’s Class Room 129 360-279-5944 rmiller@ohsd.net We have had a great two and a half weeks of school so far! Our focus has been on recognizing our names, singing the alphabet, counting to 10, and drawing circles. In October, we will get to make applesauce and harvest pumpkins from our new garden beds. Our themes will be apples, Fall leaves, and pumpkins. Conferences Conferences are Oct. 20th and 21st. I will be sending a form home soon to fill out so we can schedule a time to meet. Reminders If you’re still having trouble adding money to your child’s account, you can send money to school in an envelope marked with their name. If you’re having transportation issues, please call them at 279-5570 The weather is getting colder so please make sure your child brings a coat to school. ©Thrifty in Third Grade 2016 Upcoming Events October 5 – Homecoming Parade. Meet at Alfie’s Pizza at 5:15pm October 12 - Navy Region Northwest Fire & Emergency Services & the National Fire Protection Association at HIH 12:30 – 2:30 October 20, 21 – Conferences (No School for Students) October 27 – Picture Day October 28 – Child Find at Hand-in-Hand October 31 – Wear your Favorite Color Day