Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Exercising your free will makes your brain stronger.
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Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
People with a fixed mindset… Believe intelligence and personality traits are innate. Think in terms of right and wrong See feedback as an indictment Are less willing to try new things
True Fact Brain scans show that people with a fixed mindset only pay attention to data that indicates their ability. They stop paying attention to any information about how they might improve because they do not think that improvement is an option. (Dweck, 2006)
People with a growth mindset… Believe that there is room for development and growth. See their mistakes as information about where they can develop. Are open to accurate information about their current abilities, even if it’s unflattering.
Why is this an important life hack? Enjoy life, even when you’re not good at it Improve your self-insight and self-esteem Improve your relationships Avoid stress about being perfect Strengthen your confidence See single events as just that See setbacks as useful Enjoy putting in time and effort, rather than fearing them Lower your risk of depression Be better at taking responsibility for your life
Clean up your language How you talk impacts how your brain perceives information. Practice reframing these statements to start teaching your brain how to think in growth mindset statements.
Train your brain I am this way. Let me try to do it another way…
Train your brain I am what I am. I can choose to act and think differently at any time.
Train your brain I should take this job because it is what I am good at. I can learn anything new if I put in hard work and effort.
Train your brain What’s the point? What is the learning opportunity for me?
Practice! Notice when you slip into a fixed mindset. Find a way to reframe it into a growth mindset statement. Help each other by asking: Are you coming from a fixed or a growth mindset?