Growth Mindset
Mindset A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one’s behaviour, outlook and mental attitude.
Fixed v Growth Mindset
What if the person you are coaching has a fixed mindset?
Signs of a fixed mindset Not just about reluctance to be coached! Very confident, bordering on showing off, arrogant, hide their weaknesses because they need to look smart Winning or outcomes are more important than process Gives up easily, gets upset by setbacks Negative self talk when things go wrong Is fearful of being judged Feels threatened (rather than empowered) by the success of others Afraid to try new things ... scared to make mistakes
Language in Q&A If they say ... You could ask But I’m doing fine as I am What might be better than fine? How can it be even better? What might be the consequences of better? What does excellent look like? What would you need to do to achieve it? I can’t ... What makes you think this? What is stopping you? What might help you? What can you try instead? What’s the worse thing that can happen if you do/don’t? This is too hard ... So how much time will you need to overcome the problem? Is there anyone who can help you with this problem? How can you practise in order to get better at it? Others have it easier/are better What are they doing differently to you? How are they managing it? How can you create those conditions for yourself?
Possible Approaches Role modelling ... Coaches are always learning and improving too Praise ... As coaches we can’t judge, but our approach must focus on trying, effort and hard work Challenge ... Practising must be purposeful – it’s OK that this isn’t easy Use of language ... The importance of YET Environment ... How can we make our coaching environment more inspiring?