K-12 schools Customers speak out
Adams 12 Five Star Schools “We have moved from an era where it was nice just to have a network to rely on, to one in which the network sustains education . . . The resilience we used to have only in our data center we now have in all of our schools.” - Erik Moore, director of academic computing Adams 12 Five Star Schools 9PX UPS 93PM UPS Intelligent Power Manager Network-MS Card ePDU Download the story.
Washington Unified School District “All of the others say their software integrates into VMware, but when challenged and asked to demonstrate that in house, they couldn’t do it. Eaton was the only one who could deliver.” - Tom McNinch, director of IT Washington Unified School District Intelligent Power Manager 9390 UPS 5PX UPS ePDU Service Download the story.
“After my research and talking to references that have Eaton products widely installed in the education and government sectors, it became pretty clear that Eaton was the best choice.” - Shawn Wright, IT manager Shawnigan Lake School 9170+ UPS ePDU Intelligent Power Software Service Download the story.
San Francisco Unified School District “With the Eaton UPS in place, we do not worry about adverse impacts from brief or moderate power outages …knowing our systems are safe without loss of important data or corruption of critical systems.” - Erik Heinrich, director of IT Infrastructure San Francisco Unified School District 9390 UPS Service Download the story.
“I’ve standardized on Eaton. I’ll be staying with them.” -Scott Crothers, network engineer West Des Moines Community Schools Eaton 9130 UPS Download the story.
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