Puget Sound Seabird Survey Science by Citizens © 2008 Adam Sedgley © 2006 Garrett Lau (pbase.com/garrettlau) Puget Sound Seabird Survey Science by Citizens Toby Ross Science Manager
Overview The Puget Sound Seabird Survey (PSSS) leverages the expertise of birdwatchers to provide valuable - and unique - data on wintering waterfowl - loons, grebes, cormorants, gulls/terns and alcids in Puget Sound. Addresses the need for long term seabird population trends in the Puget Sound region Program of the Seattle Audubon Society Managed by Toby Ross Designed by Members of PSSS Advisory Group: Peter Hodum (UPS), Jerry Joyce, Scott Pearson (WDFW), and Eric Ward (NOAA) Powered by Citizen Scientists
Nuts and Bolts
Nuts and Bolts “Seabirds”
Nuts and Bolts 107 survey sites “Seabirds” at least 1 mile apart public access
Nuts and Bolts Monthly Surveys “Seabirds” 107 survey sites at least 1 mile apart public access Monthly Surveys Survey = 15-30 minutes during 4 hour “survey window”
Nuts and Bolts 135 Citizen Scientists “Seabirds” 107 survey sites at least 1 mile apart public access Monthly Survey Survey = 15-30 minutes during 4 hour “survey window” 135 Citizen Scientists Audubon members, birdwatchers, and/or seabird scientists approx. 969 volunteer survey hours (2013-14 season)
Nuts and Bolts Distance Sampling “Seabirds” 107 survey sites at least 1 mile apart, public access Monthly Survey Survey = 15-30 minutes during 4 hour “survey window” 135 Citizen Scientists Audubon members, birdwatchers, and/or seabird scientists approx. 969 volunteer survey hours (2013-14 season) Heinemann, D. (1991) Distance Sampling volunteers use ruler/compass addresses detectability
Data Management Survey summaries automatically prepared
Data Management Immediately viewable to public via clickable maps
Data Analyses
Monthly Data Summaries Seabird Abundance Leader Board – By species October Survey November Survey December Survey Cumulative Oct-Dec Species # of Birds California Gull 452 Surf Scoter (2) 224 Bufflehead (2) 371 Surf Scoter 702 316 Horned Grebe (5) Horned Grebe (1) 202 Horned Grebe 576 Heermann’s Gull 206 Bufflehead (n/a) 152 Mew Gull (3) 163 Bufflehead 523 Mew Gull (15) 148 TOTAL ALL SPECIES 2114 1522 1532 5168 Busiest Survey Site Leader Board October Survey November Survey December Survey Cumulative Oct-Dec Location # Shipwreck Point 124 Port Williams (6) 80 Sekiu (2) 49 201 Cape Flattery 66 Sekiu (4) 70 Port Williams (1) 44 Sekiu 179 John Wayne Marina 64 Fort Flagler West (4) 46 Joseph Whidbey SP (13) 37 Port Williams 174 John Wayne Marina (3)
Season-end Summary No. of Individual Birds & Species Richness – 2013-14
In-depth Data Analyses Probability of Decline Seabird Species Presence/Absence Trend Probability of Decline Status American Wigeon 0.077 0.068 Rare & Increasing Brandt’s Cormorant 0.103 0.096 Rhinoceros Auklet 0.310 0.000 Common Murre 0.137 0.088 Greater Scaup 0.257 0.002 D.C. Cormorant 0.051 0.052 Common & Increasing Common Loon 0.076 0.040 Red-breasted Merganser 0.063 0.044 Surf Scoter 0.053 Horned Grebe 0.107 0.001 White-winged Scoter -0.074 0.902 Rare & Decreasing Brant -0.173 0.988 Great Blue Heron -0.130 0.917 Red-necked Grebe -0.071 0.982 Common & Decreasing Western Grebe -0.187 0.940 Marbled Murrelet 0.146 0.372 No significant trend, but leaning positive 75 species of seabird have been recorded 64/84 sites were included in the analysis (sites that have been visited >15 times) All years’ data included in analysis (including 2013-14 season)
In-depth Data Analyses Western Grebe Common & Decreasing Marbled Murrelet Species of Concern
In-depth Data Analyses Western Grebe Mainly in the North Marbled Murrelet Only a few sites
Application & Outcomes
Application & Outcomes In the event of an oil spill Baseline data and more long-term trends of seabird populations Trained early on-scene reconnaissance volunteers Rapidly provide oil spill observations to Central Command Conservation measures Information provides power to conservation litigation Serve as a watchdog for seabird populations in PS Produces trained and engaged advocates for environmental protection © Dennis Paulson
www.seabirdsurvey.org Toby Ross Peter Hodum Jerry Joyce Scott Pearson Eric Ward © Tom Sanders