Treasure Hunt Game Unit Lesson 0 StarLogoTNG 101 Treasure Hunt Game Unit Lesson 0 The purpose of this optional lesson is to introduce students to the goals of the treasure game unit, behavior expectations, and to have students participate in a off-computer activity that simulates programming.
Unit Goals Learn to think logically like a programmer Design and make a fun computer game Express yourself creatively
Expectations Listen carefully Follow directions right away* Ask questions Work together Take care of the computer equipment Explore and try new things Learn from your mistakes Have fun! *attention signal – practice (“turn to your neighbor and share what you ate for breakfast this morning”) Work together: If each student can have his/her own computer, implement a “buddy” system (perhaps rotate each lesson) so that students can share ideas and help each other. If students are working in pairs and sharing computers, implement a “driver/navigator” system where students take turns using the computer and giving directions, and have students switch roles half-way through the programming activity time. Ask the students to take a long look at the slide to remember as much of it as they can. Then cover up the slide and ask students to recall the expectations, write them on a sheet of white paper, and tape it to chart paper to post in classroom as a reminder during the program.
Computer Programming is like… Activity instructions here Choose from one of the activities in the teacher guide and fill in directions on this slide.
Activity Debrief Why and how was the activity challenging? How was the activity similar to computer programming?
How was the activity similar to computer programming? It is difficult (but not impossible) to give clear, precise, and simple directions. Computers are “dumb” because they follow directions literally, even if the directions make no sense. However, computers CAN process simple directions very quickly.