with Integrated Classes Primary School No 7 with Integrated Classes in Elk
Our pluses are: integrated classes, modern Information Technology classrooms, a renovated gym hall, a modern sports field…
a new playground, a double common room, a canteen, specialistic lessons for pupils with special needs.
Health education is important for us Health education is important for us. Pupils and teachers make fruit and vegetable salads together. We take part in "Fruits and vegetables at school" and "Milk at school" programs. During "Bread week" all school smells like bakery (respect for bread is a Polish tradition).
Swimming lessons are obligatory for 2nd and 5th grade students.
We also have sewing lessons. Showing history and music in untypical way is very attractive for pupils. We also have sewing lessons.
During the school year there are academies on the occasions of: Teachers’ Day, International Earth Day, The Independence Day, Integration Day with Autistic People and many others. The Independens Day Teachers’ Day
The first classes’ school year inauguration Integration Day with Autistic People
A special day every year in our school is a Family Day A special day every year in our school is a Family Day. On that day pupils, their parents and teachers take part in various games and competitions.
Football game between teachers and pupils’ parents also takes place on that day. Of course that photo was taken before… ;-)
Spring Contest between classes Our pupils can take part in many competitions, charity actions, cultural events and performances all school year long. Festival of Science Spring Contest between classes
Christmas play by integration class Dancing group Teddy-bear’s day
Last year, young musicians from Eurajoki (Finland) visited our school Our unique musicians Autumn show Last year, young musicians from Eurajoki (Finland) visited our school
Another special guest No commentary needed… Let’s dance !!!!