Ordering Food Restaurants
Ordering Food Waiter: What would you like? You: I would like 2 glasses of water and 1 slice of cheesecake. Waiter: Okay, thank you.
Ordering Food Waiter: What would you like? Number Waiter: What would you like? You: I would like 2 glasses of water and 1 slice of cheesecake. Waiter: Okay, thank you. Food Serving
Let’s Practice I want of . 3 cups coffee Number Serving Food Cup of coffee
Let’s Practice I want of . 5 slices pizza Number Serving Food Pizza slice
Let’s Practice I want of . 1 glass milk Number Serving Food Milk Glass
Let’s Practice I want of . 3 ice creams Number Serving Food
Let’s Practice I want of . 1 pork chop dinner Number Serving Food
Let’s Practice I want of . 2 bowls soup Number Serving Food Bowls Soup
Let’s Practice I want of and . 2 glasses lemonade 1 spaghetti dinner
Combos 1 combo #1 and 3 combo #4s
What kind? ONE CARAMEL MooLatte TWO MOCHA MooLattes THREE Cherry Artic Rushes
What SIZE? ONE LARGE CARAMEL MooLatte TWOMEDIUM MOCHA MooLattes Three SMALL Cherry Artic Rushes
How many + size + flavor+ what I want… Five + small + caramel + Moolattes One + medium + diet + Coke
Bring food out To-go Take-out Box it Doggie bag
Drive -Thru
Waiter Race! Game time