Anatomy Study of the humen body & divided into Macroanatomy or gross anatomy Microanatomy & divided into: Histology Emberiology
The humen body is divided into : Head ,Neck , Trunk , & Limb The trunk is sub divided into chest or thorax &Belly or abdomen . The abdomen is subdivided into : Abdomen proper Pelvis .
Anatomical position: Sections used during dissection: Median or sagittal plane: Coronal or frontal plane: Transverse or Horizontal plain or cross section:
Terms of position : Anterior or venteral Posterior or dorsal Superior or cranial Inferior or caudal Medial Lateral Internal & External Superficial & Deep Proximal & Distal
In describing the Hand : Palmar in place of anterior Dorsal in place of posterion . In describing the foot : Planter in place of lower Dorsal in place of upper surface
Ipsilateral : means the same side Ipsilateral : means the same side . Note: any section parallel to sagittal plane called parasagittal plane .
Basic structure Skin : Divided into two distinct parts : A) The epidermis B) The dermis The epidermis is a stratified epithelium . On the palm of the hand & the sole of the feet , the epidermis is thick , while in the other areas of the body it is thin .
The dermis: Is compose of dense connective tissue containing many blood vessels lymohatic vessels & nerves . The dermis is connected to the underlying deep fascia or bones by the superficial fascia which also called subcutaneous tissue .
In the dermis the bundles of collagen fibers are mostly arranged in parallel rows . They run in the limbs longitudinally and circumferentially in the neck & trunk The appendages of the skin are the nails , hair follicles , sebaceous glnds & sweat glands .
Fascia: Divided into two types : 1- Superficial fascia 2- Deep fascia Superficial fascia or subcutaneous tissue : Is mixture of loose areolar & adipose tissue. Deep fascia : Is a membranous layer of connective tissue that invests the muscles & other deep structures .
Muscle There are three types of muscles : 1- Skeletal muscle ( voluntary & striated muscle) 2- Smooth muscle (involuntary muscle) 3- Cardiac muscle (striated involuntary muscle.