Male genital tract Dr. Mazin albakri
* Male reproductive system consist of: 1- scrotum 2- Testes & epididymis 3- Spermatic cord 4- deferent duct 5- penis 6- accessory genital gland
1- Scrotum consist of varies layers a- Skin b- Tunica dartos c- external spermatic fascia d- Cremaster muscle & fascia e- Internal spermatic fascia d- Tunica vaginalis visceral layer parietal layer
Testes ,Testis or Testicle * Type of testes 1- Testicond (intra abdominal), e.g.: seal, bird, whales, elephant & hyraxes. 2- (Scrotal testes) extra abdominal a- inguinal testes e.g. : Stallion, Ox, Ram B-Perineum testes e . G . Dog, Camel , Pig
* Structure of testes
التأثيرات الاندروجينية والبنائية الانهبين الفص الأمامي للغدة النخامية خلايا Lydig وعاء دموي التأثيرات الاندروجينية والبنائية الانهبين يحفز تكوين البروتين الرابط للاندروجينات نبيب منوي
Trabeculae testicular septa. Semineferous tubules. Rete testes * Trabeculae testicular septa * Semineferous tubules * Rete testes * Mediastinum * Spermatozoa
* Descent (descend) of testes * Gubernaculum * cryptochidism
التأثيرات الاندروجينية والبنائية الانهبين الفص الأمامي للغدة النخامية خلايا Lydig وعاء دموي التأثيرات الاندروجينية والبنائية الانهبين يحفز تكوين البروتين الرابط للاندروجينات نبيب منوي
Epididymis 1- head caput 2- body corpus 3- tail cauda
Spermatic cord Mesorchium Mesoductus Pampniform plexus
Male copulatory organ Penis : male copulatory organ 1- root 2- body or shaft 3- glans penis Prepuce inner lamina & outer lamina ( inner lamina absent in rumina: the cutaneous sheath around the free part of the penis in the quiescent state it has nt ) Preputial orifice: external opening of the prepuce to the out side Preputial cavity: the space BW prepuce & the glans in the quiescent state
Structure of penis 2- corpus spongiosum penis 1- corpus cavernosum penis (cavernosum body) paired of erectile tissue with venous space separated by C. T. ( septa) , it consist of greater part of penis , located dorsally surrounded by fibrous capsul with elastic fiber termed tunica albugina 2- corpus spongiosum penis this part directed ventrally to the cavernosum body
Muscles of penis 1- Ischio cavernosum mus. 2- Bulbo spongiosum mus Muscles of penis 1- Ischio cavernosum mus. 2- Bulbo spongiosum mus. 3- Retractor mus. Type of penis 1- musclo cavernosum penis 2- fibro elastic penis